Airpot Users.


Well-Known Member
The soil just needs to be damp is all. Water only once in actual soil. Starter pellets, soil and mediums are not full of nutrients, but once you transplant in soil, the plant will be fed. Don't rush to feed. It's fun to fed and water and inspect and move and water a bit more, but the plant needs none of this. Keep in mind that there is a LOT LESS need for babysitting and feeding when you are in true soil. The microbes take over the babysitting.

Lift the container and if heavy, leave alone. If light, give a bit of water.

I've killed more seedlings from over-water / poor drainage than I have from under-watering


Active Member
The soil just needs to be damp is all. Water only once in actual soil. Starter pellets, soil and mediums are not full of nutrients, but once you transplant in soil, the plant will be fed. Don't rush to feed. It's fun to fed and water and inspect and move and water a bit more, but the plant needs none of this. Keep in mind that there is a LOT LESS need for babysitting and feeding when you are in true soil. The microbes take over the babysitting.

Lift the container and if heavy, leave alone. If light, give a bit of water.

I've killed more seedlings from over-water / poor drainage than I have from under-watering

Thanks for the advice man i really appreciate it. Ill air on the side of caution then with watering. I thought maybe because the small cube was being placed in a big pot id have to constantly be wetting the surface of the soil because thats where the roots will be if that makes sense. Sort of like as soon as the surface as the soil dries out then so will the roots while there just small?


Well-Known Member
The roots will head straight down with a tap root FAST. That's what's deceiving. You'd logically think that the roots are all up close to the surface, but the root will head down, partly because it's drier down lower. That's another reason to water less; it causes the tap root to go lower.

My seedling pots were all dry on the surface. A thin crust of soil on top. Without a doubt my best grow ever, and I did the least work


Active Member
The roots will head straight down with a tap root FAST. That's what's deceiving. You'd logically think that the roots are all up close to the surface, but the root will head down, partly because it's drier down lower. That's another reason to water less; it causes the tap root to go lower.

My seedling pots were all dry on the surface. A thin crust of soil on top. Without a doubt my best grow ever, and I did the least work

Thanks man, i think ill fill the pots with soil the night before i add the seedlings and give them a good drain so they dont take on to much water:)


Active Member
whats the best place to buy these air pots? I have bio terra soil and canna nutrients, should i start the seeds in coco party cups then transplant into the 5 gallon airpots? i would like to try to pull a pound of each plant, I have a 4x8x6.ft. and want to max out my space and pull as much as possible any help Id apreciate it!! thanks