air pump bubbler in aeroponic resrvoir??


Active Member
would it be worthwhile to put a air stone in the bottom on my reservoir...

does the extra oxegenated water fight off contams, algae etc??

what i have is a 14 site, aeroponic setup, that sits on top of the reservoir....

just curious if theres any added benifit from trying to keep my rez temp under control, but its been in the high 70's...currently saving for a water chiller, but trying to think of ways (other than adding frozen water bottles serveral times daily) to help fight root rot, algae, etc.
It just injects oxygen into the water from my knowledge...that being said in an aeroponic setup the roots are hanging in the air so there is no need to inject oxygen, they already have more than they need...
Again the roots are hanging in air so it won't really a soil grow then use it to get oxygen to the roots (and a breaker head on your watering wand helps). For Algae just use a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide...


Well-Known Member
well i was more wondering i guess weather a air stone/bubbler helps fights algae etc.
Algae is a plant, and as such uses up some of the o2 in your water, just as your plants do. Adding o2 will not deter algae growth at all.

As already stated aero systems have plenty of o2 in them already. The only thing adding an airstone would do is possibly lower the temps slightly, if your air temperature is lower than your water temperature (unlikely).