Air Flow / Ac question about my new rooms


New Member
Let me thank in advance anybody taking a moment to help with this. I have searched and have some ideas but I am hoping if I describe my exact situation I could get a "This is what I would do type of response"
I have a 2 room set up. Each room is approximately 10x8 (my veg room is slightly smaller). I live in Maine. Warm summers ,cold winters. Each room has a window. Right now my veg room is about 81 degrees with T5's and no AC on a 75 degree day. I have access to a single hose portable that is coming today. I have 2 inline 600CFM fans that I planned to use to funnel air out through a custom window cover. These rooms are adjacent to my bedroom which is 10x20. My flower room will be running 1000w HPS air cooled and a 900w led. I am sure that room will need to be cooled at least in the summer and maybe all year long. I am just curious as to how you would run the single hose AC. Should I have it in the bud room or will that deplete any CO2 in the room. I am not running supplemental CO2. I can obviously intake fresh air from the windows but in the dead of winter when it is 10 degrees out I am not sure if that is a great idea and also even though I have my medical clearance from the state I feel 2 open windows all winter might attract attention, even though I am legal I really dont need the hassle. I am also wondering would I be best in the colder months to pull air in from the bedroom as opposed to outside. Another option that has crossed my mind is there is about a 19" air space between my upstairs floor and the downstairs ceiling. Is that something i could take advantage of for air intake in the cold months or do you think that air is to stagnant ? I really need to make this work with what I have as I have maxed out every credit card getting this going, and I will not be profiting from this as it is purely for my medicine. Lastly I own the house so I am not hindered by landlords. Modifications are possible just not very affordable right now. Any help is greatly appreciated !


i'm using the central air for cooling right now and when it comes time to turn on the heat i will disconneect the duct from the furnace and seperate it to near the celler window to draw in cold air, i am growing in a 4 x 4 tent in a upstairs bedroom venting out a turbine in the roof.


ok first congrats on your new setup. The AC setup should not hinder your CO2 supplement since your bringing in fresh air. If your temperatures are sitting where you are saying then you do not even need an AC unit. But "if it were me" I would setup your ac unit in one of your rooms.... really doesnt matter which one. and run ducting into your first room allowing the ac to vent into it. Go down to home depot or you local hardware store and pic up a Y connection for ducting... this will allow you to run the AC into two different rooms. Now I know this might sound a little rediculous but it works. Take a black trash bag (preferably not white since water might leak a little into the bag and white bags let in more light which causes mold), but take your trash bag and tape it around the AC where the air comes out. (the open side should be taped on the AC.basically should look as if your trash bag is catching all of the air it is pushing out. now cut a small hole in the bottom of the bag and put your ducting in it. Tape around the bag to secure it to the ducting. Now you have an AC unit with a way to directly pushing the air where you want it to. so now you run that ducting to whereever you would like to store it in your room.take the Y connection and hook it to the end of that ducting, and then run one more ducting off of EACH Y connection. resulting in 2 more 1 to 2 and then run one into room 1 and the other into room 2. then as far as exhausting your air just buy yourself an inline fan for each room, or if your looking to go another route you can always buy some bathroom fans. I hope this helps. if you need anything else please feel free to message me.


New Member
ok first congrats on your new setup. The AC setup should not hinder your CO2 supplement since your bringing in fresh air. If your temperatures are sitting where you are saying then you do not even need an AC unit. But "if it were me" I would setup your ac unit in one of your rooms.... really doesnt matter which one. and run ducting into your first room allowing the ac to vent into it. Go down to home depot or you local hardware store and pic up a Y connection for ducting... this will allow you to run the AC into two different rooms. Now I know this might sound a little rediculous but it works. Take a black trash bag (preferably not white since water might leak a little into the bag and white bags let in more light which causes mold), but take your trash bag and tape it around the AC where the air comes out. (the open side should be taped on the AC.basically should look as if your trash bag is catching all of the air it is pushing out. now cut a small hole in the bottom of the bag and put your ducting in it. Tape around the bag to secure it to the ducting. Now you have an AC unit with a way to directly pushing the air where you want it to. so now you run that ducting to whereever you would like to store it in your room.take the Y connection and hook it to the end of that ducting, and then run one more ducting off of EACH Y connection. resulting in 2 more 1 to 2 and then run one into room 1 and the other into room 2. then as far as exhausting your air just buy yourself an inline fan for each room, or if your looking to go another route you can always buy some bathroom fans. I hope this helps. if you need anything else please feel free to message me.
Now that's what I am talking about. Thank you so much. I may message you with some more questions. Right now I have it set up a little different but I will see how this goes. Thank you again