Air coolable reflector question


Active Member
Do I need the intake air to be from outside the room? I heard the moisture could blow your lightbulb is this true?


Well-Known Member
the intake air doesnt HAVE to be from outside of the room... but you should not get water on the bulbs for sure...

if you exhaust that air, it will smell, unless you pull it through a carbon filter first...


Well-Known Member
It's nice to use 2 fans, that way your light fan runs air from outside the room all the time, and you can use a temp controller to run an extraction fan.


Active Member
Humid air will not cause a problem. Throwing a bucket of cold water on your red hot light will cause your bulb to burst, but if that much water hits your light, thats just the start of your problems. For ease of controlling your plants environment, it is best to use one fan to cool your light and another to exhaust your room. However I have seen very nice setups where the fan that cools the light is just sucking air from the room over the bulb and out of the grow room. It depends what you can afford. GL
