Ahhhhh kratoms awesome(:


Well-Known Member

  • green malay had me going for at least 7-8 hours of solid pain releif and mood adjustment​

Ahh just what Im looking for thanks :D, I hate to be picky but the bali stuff was great it just doesnt last long enough to be an effective painkiller/happy dust :p


Well-Known Member
okay, probably asked, but does anyone know of a website (legit) that sells kratom or exract??? with undercover shipping (not important though)


Well-Known Member
An ounce can last you a month or more, especialy if you space doses properly to avoid dependance and tolerance.


Well-Known Member
As i remember that desmorphin was 50x more potent than morphine right?
But still ndanger i dont have source for this chem.
So did you tryed that vendor ndanger?


Well-Known Member
The pain relieving compund is 17x morphine.... but it is a rather small amount of the total alkaloid content.