Again, a few questions about growing. (Possibly easy for you).


Hi all,

I've been *wanting* to grow my own marijuana for a long time. And, today, I finally ordered my seeds. But, still, I have a few questions even tough I've READ "101 Already Asked Questions" etc.

So here it goes;

1-) What is the difference between "Sativa" and "Indica". Which one would I want? Will the sativa and indica mixed randomly on my order from nirvanaseeds?

2-) I've bought a "Ph-Foto-Moisture Meter" for about 25$ but it does not read PH and it is really shitty with photometer too. And on further research, the cheapest PH meter for soil is about 100$. Is there any cheap way I can measure the PH of my soil (not my water)?

P.S: Before I realized my PH meter was actually wrong and broken, I used almost half of my fertilizer to drop the ph on my soil. I may have to change all the soil, right? :(

3-) I'm still not very clear on few issues about the *order* of the things. When I get the seeds;
-Put them in a wet paper for a short time.
-Plant them and let them germinate.
-Grow them until they are about a foot tall.
-Start flowering.

In exactly which step will I need the lights? What will be the ratio on growing and flowering? (16 hours dark/8 hours light etc.)
What do I do after harvesting? And how long before I can harvest before the first harvest?

4-) Will it cause any problems if I put my plants near my 'Venus Flytrap' and 'Silver Dust' plants.

Sorry if I'm missing an obvious answer. And sorry if I'm being way too stupid. But, I'd really appreciate any answer. Thanks in advance!



Active Member
Hey cbt and welcome to RIU! You've posed a lot of questions here that actually would require an extreme amount of explanation to properly answer. Also, much of what you ask could depend upon conditions and other factors. I think you would be wise to do some research first in order to build a good foundation of information and then come back and ask more direct questions. You'll likely get better answers then.

Start here:

An excellent FAQ guide to build your foundation of knowledge

Another one right here on this site that is superb as well.

Good luck and happy reading dude! The more you learn, the more fun this is.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
1. If you have already ordered seeds it will depend on what you ordered as to Indica - Sativa or a mixture in the genetics. Sativa provides more of a Head high and Indica provides more of a full body stone. Indica grows shorter and more compact branching while Sativa is the opposite.

2. Good meters are not cheap. PH is very important. You can probably get away using ph strips, but they do not work for PH of soil. You can check the runoff after water/feeding them but it is not very accurate. The soil is probably too hot with nutrients to reuse as is.

3. Germinate them in a paper towel or germinate them in the soil. When you switch over to flowering phase depends on how much height in the room you have. Depending on the strain they could double or triple in size by harvest. For veg I go 18 on and 6 off, for flowering I go 12/12.

4. Veg and flowering time is variable depending on genetics. Veg depends on how tall you want them before flowering. I usually go 8 weeks, and flowering can vary from 8-16 weeks depending on genetics. I have no clue about your house plants.


New Member
The seeds will pop in the paper towell, and a taproot will show. After that happens, you want to plant in moist soil and put under 18 hours of light to 24 hours of light. Do not water the seedling until the soil is getting dry. There is plenty of moisture in the soil to keep it going for at least a few days, if not a week.

Also, there are great tutorials all over RIU, so use those to your advantage. Get a book, too. Good luck!