After This I have More Questions


Active Member
Originally posted in grow room and design, not sure why, but I moved it here to maybe get an answer.

Debating on whether or not I should go ahead and purchase an RO filter or use an airstone and let my water evaporate it's chlorine/whatever else out overnight? Basically I have the money for it but wanna get my grow underway. So I know I will buy an RO at some point but do you think for the sake of time I should just order my seeds and do it the crude way?i.e.evaporation.

Thoughts? Is an RO a worthy investment to postpone my grow for another couple weeks or what?

Couple more questions too but this one is bugging me. Thanks for looking


Elite Rolling Society
Bro, you can use that city water. The chlorine disapates within minutes of being out of the faucet.