After germination, wait and grow indoors for a little or straight outdoors?


After germination, is it better to let the sprouts/seedlings grow indoors for a little, or just put the germinated seeds straight into the ground outdoors?

If you believe it is better indoors, can u please explain what i should do if i plan on later putting it outdoors? (ex: how much light, how many hours of light)

If you believe it is better outdoors, please explain what i should do immediately after germination.. (ex: just put it into soil, or put it into cup for a lil--then soil)

Thank you!

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I start mine inside under cfl's, then move them out after the first or second set of true leaves. When they go outside, I transition them slowly from shade to sun.


Well-Known Member
After germination, is it better to let the sprouts/seedlings grow indoors for a little, or just put the germinated seeds straight into the ground outdoors?

If you believe it is better indoors, can u please explain what i should do if i plan on later putting it outdoors? (ex: how much light, how many hours of light)

If you believe it is better outdoors, please explain what i should do immediately after germination.. (ex: just put it into soil, or put it into cup for a lil--then soil)

Thank you!

Hey man. Ideally you want to veg indoors for at least the 1st few weeks (2-4) then slowly expose them to the outside once there are about 3-5 sets of leaves on the plants.

what you want to do si pic it outside in the shade (not hardcore shade) then the nest day put ti out for half a day then for the remaining half shade it. on the third day do the same, and finally on the fourth day transplant it outside permanently


Well-Known Member
If you direct sow germinated seed in the ground the only way you will have success is if you watch them. The first few inches of the ground can dry out very fast. And if that happens they all die.

Its much easier to put the seeds in starter trays and let them get a small root system going.

Then they can be planted a few inches deeper and they wont dry out.


Well-Known Member
Wait till they have strong roots then move them outdoors. It can be pretty harsh outdoors if a plant doesn't have a decent root system.