after all is said and done, the best medication for my bipolar disorder is marijuana


New Member
im on lamictal - 400mgs a day, zyprexa - 20mgs a day, Prozac - 20mgs a day, klonopin - 6mgs day, and vyvanse - 70mgs a day

marijuana is the only sure fire way to calm me down fast and appreciate life and how blessed I am. my other meds helpjust not as well.

all my doctors know im a medical marijuana patient.


Well-Known Member
Bipolar or not, I think a lot of us feel this way. I tend to run a little hot - I think that's a large part of why it works for me. Not as a patient, just because it brings me joy and takes very little in return. Quality of life increase.


Well-Known Member
There should be psychotherapy to go with the psychodrugs, they're useless on their own. Weed makes most of us miserable souls lighten up :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
First remove yourself from the cause

Chances are you live/work or lived near high power lines or substations

We are all within the global emf/rf/emi grid 24/7: wifi, cell towers

Some people are a lot more sensitive.

You may need to move to the country

could also be diet

try a veg juice fast for 30 days. I've done it. The first 3-4 are tough, but it gets easy after that