Afhgan Kush Ryder 1st Grow


thanks guys, 6 weeks old and enjoy the pics!:mrgreen:
@skunk: yeah bro they said on the website we can harvest at 55-60 days but i think this baby need more time than that..AT LEAST another 4-5 weeks bro..that's what i'm thinking but i dont know..if any experienced growers out there how long do you think this baby going to mature in flower? :-P



Well-Known Member
Looks real good! I would say from the pics that you probably need another 4 weeks or more like you said. I've never grown anything more than bagseed, but from the looks of the buds now, thats my guess.


Active Member
How long did you wait to LST and do u have some shots of you LSTIng earlier then the pictures u posted my plants around 2 weeks and how long did you notice a difference once you tied down the main stem?


Active Member
With auto's, it varies.
Get a >20x magnifying lense and keep an eye on those trich's. I had an auto and on the site it said 60 days, but i harvested on day 52 from seed, with no regrets and she cured out excellent... to answer your question, it's all personal preference IMO.

She's looking happy though, keep on keeping on...


Active Member
how long did it take for ur guy to respond to the lst though I've had the main stem tied down for a couple days now and i haven't noticed much change and it worries me since its an auto it might stunt it / stress it
alot of the fan leaves are covering the lower branches as well.
im using 6 23 w 4 2700 and 2 5700


sry for the late update guys been very busy this week,heres my lovely girl:mrgreen:
@doboy: i started to lst her at the third week and she responded to it very fast only couple days later the main stem started to going upward reaching for lights as you can see in my pics all other colas growing almost all equal to the main stem you can go back to page 6 you will see the difference after i tied her down



Active Member
nice im gettin some free auto kushryders with my free seed order glad yuors our coming out bomb cant wait to get my hands on them seeds


thx guys, i feed her 5 drops per 3 bottles of 500ml water every other day
i dont know what cause her to bud slow but it seems to me she's lagging behind her finish date which is today
how many weeks more do i need to harvest this baby anybody out there knows?



OMG it's her week 9 and the buds development is EXTREMELY slow :wall: what am i doing wrong here she's suppose to be finish at day 55 according to attitude website!!! could it be that my box is too hot or i lst her at early age plz i need help on this one :-( her leaves are turning to light yellow also is this normal?
btw i just changed my light schedule to 18/6 couple days ago



Active Member
I've seen auto's have this problem sometimes... Dont trip too much off it, it is what it is; just wait it out she'll get there.
as a SUGGESTION, to prevent this in the future you could try switching to 18/6 about 2-3 weeks in if u start out with a longer day period in the beggining..


Active Member
I definately am no pro grower, but could growing with cfls have something to do with it ? I was hoping to see your harvest before I start mine,I will be growing with a 400 watt hp.


I've seen auto's have this problem sometimes... Dont trip too much off it, it is what it is; just wait it out she'll get there.
as a SUGGESTION, to prevent this in the future you could try switching to 18/6 about 2-3 weeks in if u start out with a longer day period in the beggining..
thx 4 the suggestion bro i was being impatient atm lol but yeah i'll definitely give my plants more dark period in the future
The yellow leaves are normal. Just dont cut them, until they wilt completely
could it be she maturing now cause a lot yellow leaves? but yeah ill just leave them alone
I definately am no pro grower, but could growing with cfls have something to do with it ? I was hoping to see your harvest before I start mine,I will be growing with a 400 watt hp.
could be but i dont think growing with cfls have anything to do with it cause i've seen many people got monsters under cfls bro
Looking good, how many lights are you using right now?
thx, im using 6 23w right now


Active Member
Are all your cfl's at the top of the plant? Side lighting is very important with cfl's. I've heard lst'ing an autoflower can slow growth, but that would have slowed it down earlier, not now. What are your temps?