Afghan Kush Ryder Grow


Well-Known Member
Dude I am using like 2 150 watt CFL and 2 23 watt 2700 k I grew a auto bubble under these lights and got like 25 grams dry which is not bad so I know it is enough light. I am sick of people blaming miracle grow soil!! THE ONLY DIFFERENCE in using this soil is you do not have to give it ferts for well at least a month as it is not made for marijuana so it uses the ferts up faster. Anyways here it is at day 20 it looks healthy to me if there was something wrong with the soil wouldn't the plant show at least some form of not liking it?
Stunted growth could be taken as a sign... My plants are usually that size a week after they sprout. My current auto's were 30 inches tall at 30 days. Check out the grow log. It starts at day 32 when I put the scrog on em heavy. Didn't plant on ScrOGing, but they just got so damn big. For all the fooling around with Miracle Grow soil, why don't you try a DWC Bubble Bucket. Cost about 15 bucks to make, and will out yield most methods of growing. Simple as it gets. Your nutes go way further since it's not a drain to waste system. You can also diagnose much easier by watching movements in EC(PPM), and PH. Just a suggestion.
Also, your plants don't show any signs of deficiencies, or nute burn and are not growing as they should so wouldn't that push toward needing some FEED?
Hope this helps ya somehow.


Well-Known Member
How far as your lights then? The amount of lumens you have should be enough, but that's way to small for sure at that age. Something is up. I would try adding some nutes like tavid said. If burns you can flush out any additional nutes(not the time released if you're using the non organic MG). Something is wrong with your plants. Also 25g from a 350w grow isn't a lot. Have you tried Fox Farm Ocean Forest or other premium brands of soil? Have you tried moving the lights closer? Have you checked your pH? Best way to figure out what is wrong is to change things until the problem goes away.

I don't have a problem with organic miracle grow, but the regular brands you find at wal-mart and such don't do that well. The different types of MG I've bought usually have crappy drainage and compact pretty hard after a good watering, even the "moisture control" one.

The plant is​ showing you. It's way too small!


Well-Known Member
Seems to me your plants are a bit small for 18 days. What kind of light are you using except the sun for a few hours a day?


Active Member
Dude autoflowers stay small for the first few weeks the whole point is IT IS GROWING everyday enough to notice. Obviously if it does not start picking up a bit more I know there is a problem. I just threw it in my growbox with all the cfls instead of being under the 6700k see if it picks up a bit.


Well-Known Member
That video you just put up is old. Check out the update videos. If that's what you want to base your expectations on so be it. You've got experienced people just trying to help ya man. The point with auto's is to get them as big as you can as fast as you can because they auto. You can't keep them in Veg. Bigger plant= Bigger yields. I don't think anyone is saying that you won't get a few grams of smokable bud or that your plant won't make it, we're just trying to help you get more out of the plant and somehow make you understand that the size is NOT normal and OK. It is most definitely Sub-Par. You put all the effort into growing it, and taking care of it for months you should be rewarded for it right? That's all anyone's trying to do is help you obtain that. If you're "SICK OF HEARING IT" then fine. Enjoy that fat quarter zip that you may, or may not get. I literally JUST started growing, but I pulled some good bud my first grow (DWC), and now my (current)second ever grow (4x4 Flood Drain)will fetch me over a pound easily. From what I've seen I don't think that's too bad for a noob jumping straight into hydro. Direct result of listening to the people that reached out to help me along the way. Do you think everyone is here because they LOVE watching people trying to grow auto's in shitty soil with sub-par results? They want to help. All I'm saying is don't push people away. They only want to help, and will only make you better at what you are trying to accomplish.


Well-Known Member
And here they are at 25 days into flower. The only thing amazing about them is that they could be that SMALL 25 days into flower, and that he has a bunch of males that he's never bothered to pull out and are going to seed the entire crop, lol.
Do you have any nutes you could give your girl? It might be a good idea to start feeding a little bit now. I would think she would take off pretty good with some proper nutes.


Active Member
And here they are at 25 days into flower. The only thing amazing about them is that they could be that SMALL 25 days into flower, and that he has a bunch of males that he's never bothered to pull out and are going to seed the entire crop, lol.
Do you have any nutes you could give your girl? It might be a good idea to start feeding a little bit now. I would think she would take off pretty good with some proper nutes.
Nutes would burn it man.


Well-Known Member
Hey lever..pull back the soil at the root...check if it looks pinched, could be a root infection...check my auto grow in my sig...used Mg, had stunting for the first 20+ days or so...switched soil to ffof and they took off....started another auto with ffof right from seed, growth was huge through 13 days...10 times what I saw with Mg....all the roots where pinched at the soil line, sprayed with hydrogen peroxide and switched soil and they all took off in extreme growth...check my sig and recently started thread on Trans Siberian auto...time is ticking on autos, gots to act fast, good luck bro, we all want to see you succeed, don't be stubborn....she needs a change!!


Well-Known Member
You can tell people there's a wall in front of them or you can let them hit the wall >.< Just use organic nutes lev, very, very small chance of burning then. MG soil compacts pretty hard, not a lot of perlite in it compared to most decent soil/soilless mixtures. Any particular reason you want to stay with MG? Would repotting into a mixture with 30% more perlite be out of the question? Your soil looks like the majority of it is dirt. I had the Moisture control MG and FFOF still had twice as much perlite in it.

If the soil compacts the roots will have a hard time growing. Small roots=small plant.


Active Member
You can tell people there's a wall in front of them or you can let them hit the wall >.< Just use organic nutes lev, very, very small chance of burning then. MG soil compacts pretty hard, not a lot of perlite in it compared to most decent soil/soilless mixtures. Any particular reason you want to stay with MG? Would repotting into a mixture with 30% more perlite be out of the question? Your soil looks like the majority of it is dirt. I had the Moisture control MG and FFOF still had twice as much perlite in it.

If the soil compacts the roots will have a hard time growing. Small roots=small plant.
Dude there is no point in re potting it because it is well rooted into the pot how do you suppose I take out a 3 week plant dig it up?


Well-Known Member
Dude there is no point in re potting it because it is well rooted into the pot how do you suppose I take out a 3 week plant dig it up?
because it is a 3 week old plant that looks 3 days... and yes the picture i showed you is at 3 weeks old. Thats how fast auto's grow if you havedecent light, soil and a big root space.
i would suggest doing your research , this site is full of usefull info...


Active Member
3 days? The plant is growing so it is not stunted but for sure it is going to be a smaller plant id say a foot. If I try to transplant that from a big pot it will just shock it and i will loose that time.


Well-Known Member
3 days? The plant is growing so it is not stunted but for sure it is going to be a smaller plant id say a foot. If I try to transplant that from a big pot it will just shock it and i will loose that time.
You have it the wrong way round bro, give her more light, i have never tried MG soil but i don't plan to. The pot looks big enough but surely you can see it should be alot bigger for the amount of time spent already i'm not saying it to try and hate on ya or lieing , but the size that is now is what i have after 3-4 days of growing an autoflower. The rate you'r plant is growing i would question weather it is an auto or not.