Aerogarden Classic


Active Member
Also picked up two daylight cfl's (red spectrum) and one soft white (blue spectrum) for veg. want to go out tomorrow and get a computer fan with an ac plug and fit it into the top of my grow box. all is coming well. Also planning on drilling a small hole into the bottom of the box so that new air can filter into the box and be pushed out through the top. any suggestions are greatly appreciated


Active Member
Woke up today to open my cabinet and find that the air temp was at about 80F and my water temp was at about 90.. turned everything off and and trying to decrease the temp. i gotta go out today and get the fan situation rolling or all my goods will be dead.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
it should be fine, i have 14 lights, and it gets pretty hot in there, no thermometer, but you can tell by putting your hand in there


Active Member
whats a way to reduce the water temp? I have the air pump in my cabinet? should i move that outside so its getting fresh air?


Well-Known Member
that would shock the hell out of the roots, you want to add too cold of water. room temp


Active Member
i dont know if i did something wrong but it seems that things are not growing very fast. it will be two weeks this sun. and i feel there should be more progress. any thoughts? i have two cfls and the AG running 24/7 water temp is 73-80F room temp 73


Active Member
the first pedistals are first showing but look week i dunno my last grow was under a 400watt hps maybe im just impatient ha


Active Member
how can i increase my humidity with out buying a humidifier. my humidity is anywhere between 20-25 and defiantly wanna try to increase to about 50... any thoughts? thanks


Active Member
So today i cleaned out the tank and added 6.0 ph water with bonitcare organic grow.. hoping something is going to start happening soon. i guess i should probably post some pics but i get lazy and i'm not completely positive how to do it. but anyway one of them actually choked itself around the seed casing.. once i opened up the foam and touched it, instantly fell off. since then it has start to grow roots outward but what do you all think? is it gonna be stunted and screwed? the other one has actually fimed itself, no kidding, it is actually starting to grow 2 pedistals on each side. i will try and get some pics on soon but till then..
Temp: ~67-72 F
Water Temp: ~74-82


Active Member
have to get some ph down and was wondering what the best brand to buy is? i realize that its mostly personal preference but wondering if anyone found one in particular better than another. thanks


Well-Known Member
is that safe to order off line?
Yea, i order from them all the time, they have a tracking system, you never heard of amazon? its been around for years, or if you dont wanna go online, i would look u some local hydro shops


Active Member
Finally!, Went to my local hydro shop and picked up some ph down as well as some mylar, got it all hooked back up and ph is on 6.0 Hoping things will turn for the better here in the next couple days. Hoping the mylar will help with humidity.. mine is staying low... around 26-30.. any help is greatly appreciated.
Here are some pics sorry for taking so long...
