aerogarden bud

ok guys this is my first post on here but ive always looked here for advice now im needing some feedback. i am on my second season in my aerogarden and i need some pointers on time from seed to bud seeing that season one was a huge failure being i couldnt keep from jacking with the plants and eventually smoked em. has anyone successfully gotten smokeable bud from an aerogarden? if so i want to see it please!!! but any advice would be appreciated.i can post pictures if needed

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
ok guys this is my first post on here but ive always looked here for advice now im needing some feedback. i am on my second season in my aerogarden and i need some pointers on time from seed to bud seeing that season one was a huge failure being i couldnt keep from jacking with the plants and eventually smoked em. has anyone successfully gotten smokeable bud from an aerogarden? if so i want to see it please!!! but any advice would be appreciated.i can post pictures if needed
I set up one for my step dad before. good for a person who just wants to save money by growing personal only.

Dunno about the times with normal strains, but he used some AF seeds and got from seed to harvest in 8 weeks.
the short one is either great white or white rhino cant remember ordered a new cfl veg light and gonna order a flowering light to go with it cant wait to start sexing