Aerogarden Amateur Bagseed Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I've recently started an Aerogarden grow and I'm going to be keeping a detailed log of my efforts. Please feel free to send me feedback, or ask any questions!

Day 1 - Wednesday, 11/19/2008

1) Selected twenty dark, firm bag seeds and set them to soak for 24 hours in a cup of distilled water.

Day 2 - Thursday, 11/20/2008

1) Two seeds have split to reveal taproots. Removed from the rest and planted in a seed starter kit.
2) The remaining seeds are transferred to a paper towel, soaked in distilled water.
3) Added 16 oz of warm distilled water to the seed starter kit.

Day 3: - Friday, 11/21/2008

1) One seed (Seed #1) has sprouted about half an inch in the seed starter kit. The seed casing remains at the tip of the stalk. No activity from the other planted seed (Seed #2)
2) Three seeds soaked in the paper towel have revealed their taproots. They are removed from the towel and planted in the seed starter kit.
3) Remoistened the paper towel with distilled water.
4) Watered the seed starter kit with 8 oz of distilled water.
Dude I put the seeds right in AG. Sprouted and blew up quick..... no towell method needed for AG.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Big update guys :)

I may have sacrificed a bit in yield, but I cut my indicas down about a week after the last update, and the sativas a few days afterward. Here's a picture of the rootsystem after cutting the plants down, still fresh and white until the end :) :

Why did I cut them down early? It was necessary to make space for my new grow ;-) Here's a sneak preview, and a rep for anyone who guesses the strain of the lovely lady in the two-tone Aerogarden:

The plants were then hung up in the closet; they may look a little small because I broke off most of the side growth (drying in another closet) to speed up drying:

Within 3 days with the humdity set at 45% the plants were perfectly dry with snappable branches. I was amazed at the fact that there was virtually no odor to the drying room at this point. That is, until I started curing them! :) After two days of curing, opening my tupperware containers made the closet smell like it had been hotboxed, beautiful :)

Upon final weight we have:

Indica #1 (Vanilla Sky): 41 grams
Sativa (Big Black): 27 grams
Indica #2 (Butterbud): 12 grams
Soil Indica (Tropicana): 5 grams

The final count comes down to 85 grams, nearly 3 ounces! Its not the largest yield in the world, but should be enough for my personal consumption until the next harvest :)

THE TEST :bigjoint::

Indica #1 - Vanilla Sky:

My favored plant throughout the grow, short and stocky with large fan leaves, and large, sticky, swollen buds. Upon first lighting, the taste is sweet and very delicate, with light notes of citrus sparkling on the taste buds. Rolling around in the mouth, the heavy spices take center stage, lending a wonderful robustness to the smoke. The smoke leaves a wonderful spicy-minty floral note in the mouth. The high is sublime, and onsets quickly with a rush of heat to the face and extremities. The body is left feeling light and airy, and the face warm and flushed, like standing in the sunlight on a mountaintop. Unlike other heavy indicas, my head felt clear, and I could speak coherently afterward, but mainly, I just wanted to sit and listen to music and savor the high :) God I wish I had cloned this plant!!!!

The next story is going to sound fabricated, but you just have to trust me, it's true. My friend was having a party this past weekend, and I thought it would be a great place to try out this new bud. I told everyone it was some new hydro strain I had picked up called Vanilla Sky (naturally, I didn't say who had grown it ;-) ) Someone overheard me, and said, "Vanilla Sky? Never heard of it, but you gotta try this shit, it's called Sensi Star." I had some mixed emotions at this point. On the one hand, I was excited to try Sensi Star, which I knew was a world-class weed, and as it turns out, the 1999 Cannabis Cup winner! On the other hand, I was pretty sure my stuff was going to taste like cardboard compared to this baller name-brand weed! So we began the test, out of a bong with an ice catcher. Sensi Star did not disappoint, everything about it was perfect; the beautiful pale white bud, the powerful diesel aroma, and the clean metallic taste. I couldn't make a decision, and I knew I would be biased in favor of Vanilla Sky no matter what. Fortunately, everyone else confirmed what I had hoped: 9 out of 11 people preferred Vanilla Sky!!

Gotta take a smoke break after writing all that, more reviews of the 3 remaining plants to come! :) Thanks for watching everyone!


Well-Known Member
good shit man :), i cant wait till my HG finishes ... it will be my first known indica smoke. not sure if ive ever had indica. buying it out here ... you donno anything about strains ur getn.
+rep, nice bud :)


Well-Known Member
WOW is all I can say I cant believe your finally done bro Im tottaly jealous! SO is that stuff like a one hit wonder? I dont even remember what its like to smoke realy weed man so Seeing those pics make me drool grrrr I want mine to be done already ! Peace man


Well-Known Member
Hand - Wow those look great. That's a lot of weight but they will shrink like mine are doing now as they cure/dry.
I like your AG. is stat a stock color combo or did you spray it?
Anyway man, we both again proved you can grow a nice little crop with a nice little tricked out AG 'eh.


Well-Known Member
WOW is all I can say I cant believe your finally done bro Im tottaly jealous! SO is that stuff like a one hit wonder? I dont even remember what its like to smoke realy weed man so Seeing those pics make me drool grrrr I want mine to be done already ! Peace man
Thanks man! Takes a couple but it's not bad at all. Your comment is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
WOW is all I can say I cant believe your finally done bro Im tottaly jealous! SO is that stuff like a one hit wonder? I dont even remember what its like to smoke realy weed man so Seeing those pics make me drool grrrr I want mine to be done already ! Peace man
BTW....If you will, post a link to your grow so we can check it out.


Well-Known Member
My favored plant throughout the grow, short and stocky with large fan leaves, and large, sticky, swollen buds. Upon first lighting, the taste is sweet and very delicate, with light notes of citrus sparkling on the taste buds. Rolling around in the mouth, the heavy spices take center stage, lending a wonderful robustness to the smoke. The smoke leaves a wonderful spicy-minty floral note in the mouth. The high is sublime, and onsets quickly with a rush of heat to the face and extremities. The body is left feeling light and airy, and the face warm and flushed, like standing in the sunlight on a mountaintop. Unlike other heavy indicas, my head felt clear, and I could speak coherently afterward, but mainly, I just wanted to sit and listen to music and savor the high :smile: God I wish I had cloned this plant!!!!


Well-Known Member
my plants are 29 days old i have 5 of them i have topped them 2 times can i go ahead and put them on 12 and 12 and make them flower
Those are pretty small for 29 day. Let them grow until you get at least a couple sets of alternating nodes (shows maturity). Otherwise, they will not yield as much and they will take longer to finish. Waiting is the hardest...


Well-Known Member
Damn banana, great job, +REP, make sure to leave us with the link to the next grow ;)

im guessing you got some kinda of cheese goin on, maybe white widow, big bud? SKUNK!?!?!?!



Active Member
Congrats man, looking good! I've followed your grow and you did your HW. Wanna take a look at my setup? I'm just 2 weeks in but I've got a setup issue I need a remedy for. My closet was too small so I used a little indented area (3 x 6 ft) enclosed by a large comforter. I do not have a very efficient an exhaust/intake at the moment which is allowing a lot of light to escape. Any ideas?