Aero indoor setup 5 weeks into flower, top leaves curling and dying! :-/


Self explanitory. Nothing has been changed, plenty of water, res topped off several times since last water change so not too many nutes. No temp changes. Everything has been perfect until this.. Thanks so much you guysIMG_0462.jpg


Well-Known Member
this could be a number of things. the first being that you have either been over/under watering you girls. The second being that you could have a pH issue on hand. the third being that you may have a mag. deficiency. are you using air stones to oxygenate the res.?


this could be a number of things. the first being that you have either been over/under watering you girls. The second being that you could have a pH issue on hand. the third being that you may have a mag. deficiency. are you using air stones to oxygenate the res.?
Yeah using several air stones. And yeah ill double check the ph, that might be an idea to follow up on


Well-Known Member
if you're doing aeroponics, pH is absolutely critical. go buy the dropper ph test kit for 7 bucks. its worth it! I know that my hydro pH can fluctuate SEVERELY from a day to day basis... Do you use any cal/mag supplement?
Hard to tell from the pick. If that is the only light you are using you need more or need to raise that one up so the plants are actually under it & maintaining your PH is critical, Sounds to me like you haven't been keeping it where it needs to be.


Well-Known Member
ya i agree with smokey. you should get some supplemental lighting. maybe a couple t 5's would help. or try super cropping them way down to get them some light


ph was only about 6.3 so really not too far off par. Guess I had topped it off more than I had realized. The plants were grown too big, they are hitting the ceiling, I cant raise the light anymore. Ill see if the ph decrease corrected it tonight