aero cloner issues


Well-Known Member
I took cuttings from my healthy mother about 20 days ago and put them into my homemade aero cloner. The cuts were at a 45 degree angle water ph'ed to 5.5-6.0 with some rooting hormone and still no roots have emerged. The cuttings look healthy no wilting and the stems may have gotten somewhat brown but its hard to tell.

Why arent my cuttings rooting? I thought they were to root within two weeks and im starting to lose patience with them. any suggestions?


Active Member
If they are still green, let them go a few more days. I have a custom aero cloner as well. I don't use rooting hormone, just a very light veg nute. I've had a 90% success rate.

Some take 10 days, some 14, and some 20.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
well checked them today and one of them appears to be rooting but it looks like roots with leaves on the end of them. Its growing out of a spot where i cut off the branches


Active Member
You need to put an aquarium heater into that aerocloner, as soon as you raise your water temps up near 85-88 degrees F you will see roots real FAST! Have fun :)
