Advice on heat issues in grow room.


New Member
Hi all,
I have test fitted my grow room a few times. No plants or soil in there yet. I have 3 1000 watt HPS bulbs with shades, a 12,000 btu air conditioner, ballasts in the room. Air out from the AC and a6 inch fan. Air in from a 4 inch line from outside with smaller fan and the passive air vent from the house. The room is completely sealed with pvc plastic and vapor barriers. I framed the room with 2x4s so there is an air space between the grow room and the outer walls.
When running with no plants there is negative pressure and the walls puff inwards with air. Temp rises to about 87 to 89 F. There is lots of air movement from the two wall mounted fans.
Question. Will temp decrease when the room is filled with plants and humidity, or will it increase? The AC keeps the humidity at about 35 percent with nothing in the room.
If temp is going to be a problem (to high) what do you suggest I do to reduce heat?


Well-Known Member
are u running cool tubes or open hood system

if the cool tubes are in with ducting that is not heat sheild u can get heat transfer to the air


New Member
I'm running open hoods. I thought the AC would handle the heat easily. Unfortunately the AC gives off some heat from it's casing.


Well-Known Member
yah your best bet to controll it is the cool tube and ducting to remove the heat faster then it can build up