Advice needed on first grow


Active Member
hey well i have six plants and one of them has completly died and the other 5 are slowly closing there leaves on themselves and i dont know y they are doing this . . . . its really weird
anybody have any idea y they are doing this ?


Well-Known Member
I am not a soil grower but your soil looks moist to me. do your cups have drainage or is there water sitting at the bottom getting muddy?

What kind of light are you using and how close are they?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking they've been over saturated with water.. what have you been doing with them?


I need more information.



Active Member
3 - 45 watt cfls
1 - 80mm PC fan
Filtered tap water 6.3-6.4
No nutes till now
yogurt containers ( holes drilled on the bottom)
eum there is about 1 inche to 1.5 inches between the top of the plant and the lights


Well-Known Member
That is enough light, to start. You'll want tons more CFL's or upgrade the the T5's. HPS for flowering if you can budget that.. if not, T5's will work.

It looks like they are over-watered.


Well-Known Member
i concur with Enigma.
Hey email.. check out my journal.. not as specific as yours.. but the vegetation looks great!

I started with the foliar spray about 48 hours ago and the leaves near doubled in size! Normally, I wouldn't have done this with such a small light.. but the Quad 48" T5's are coming!!!

Lots of pics!!!

DreManSpliffMan, I've got a soil grow going on now.. check my journal (link in my sig) for some info on what I've done.. it may help you out.

