Advanced Nutrients - Organic Soil, Input?


Well-Known Member
Oh, I've decided on Fox Farm for my nutrient challenge. Should be interesting, using the open sesame, beastie bloom, and chaching, along with the base nutes.

I'm gonna see if the shop has a couple gallons of AN connisuer (sp?) And that will be my challenger. I think I might cheap out on a lot of the beneficials, Big Bud is definately in there... Not sure about the rest.


Well-Known Member for hydro ? are you going to use it in hydro ?...i have been looking for some substitutes for AN on some things..there are several makers of seaweed extract for example..barricade is about twice as expensive as several other's brands of silica..and that is all it is..same with the fulvic acid and humic acid...i think a dollar can be saved there..ive had some great tasting weed with dynagrow..and it is about the same price as fox farms...i think it is a better product...i just think it is hard to beat doctor hornby's products...the voodoo juice and pirahna ..trantula go a long only use them according to the AN chart a few weeks...i know im preaching to the chior..there are other subs to carboload too..and sensizyme..there is a product that doctrovon dankenstien use's..that he likes better than sensi is supposed to be cheaper..and he likes the results better...i dont remember what it is...have you ever tried overdrive along with the big bud?how did you like it?...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I usually use the overdrive, after the Big Bud, I don't know if it's worth it or not because I've used it every time :?

I think I'm going to get an alternative to SensiZym, like Hygrozyme, save some cash.

I usually have plenty of money to re-up on nutes because I usually need to do that after a harvest, but just starting up, i'm sorta broke.

Connisuer can be used in soil also...

And I agree grandma Enngy's is quite pricey compared to other brands.

I've chosen Fox Farm for a number of reasons, mostly because it's widely used among other growers and has a decent reputation.

I think this is what Advanced products i'm using.

Big Bud
Sweet Leaf

Still haven't decided on the B52...

-We'll see if there's any big differences between the two.


Well-Known Member
you can probably drop the barricade for any other silica...that is all it is..and i would think silica is silica..a bottle on grandma engys seaweed extract is like 35 dollar a liter ...barricade is 30 dollars a liter or so..and silica blast is 15 a liter..i cant imagine there being HUGE differences in seaweed extract..silica...fulvic or humic acid's...i seen a carboload made by another company..carboload is mostly sugars as far as i can tell...there is a local brand that has its equivelent to AN on some products..i purchased their three part system that mimics ANs..supposed to use the AN chart for it..they have their own fulvic and humic...and carboload..i was planing on doing a comparison experiment to AN's products..but that has been put off for a little while..a buddy of mine's first grow was done with fox farms...his plants were getting spots in bud from mineral defficencys..i have got a little bit of FF grow..and i use it to bump up EC level;s sometimes just to get rid of is very high in nitrogen.and will just pump up your ec levels fast...but the main nute im using is iguana juice..if you buy it four liters at a time it is around 25 dollars a liter is 35 dollars or so.....


Well-Known Member
I've heard of Holland's best, maybe, and Dutch Master's...

Yeah, with the Barricade, I bought a liter probably 2 years ago, so I'm set for another 2 years :o you use so little, it lasts forever...

I got my best yield using Iguana juice, but the resin production wasn't quite as high as using the 3 or 2 part...

And you're right about some of the beneficials being available through other companies at a cheaper price.

Also, pretty much every Advanced product is cheaper the more you buy, a liter of connisuer AB is like 50 bucks, but if you get gallons, they're 100... Same as the Iguana in price, at least at my local shop.

- Really I wanted to try just using the 2 part connisuer and bigbud, nothing else, and see what happens, but, I need a good harvest, so I'm sticking with what I know works, and messing around with different regiments on a smaller scale.

I need about 100 gallons per watering, 54 5gal buckets... 9 are bubbleponics, 45 soil... Should be blooming in a week or two.


Well-Known Member
what is your watering and feed schedule going to look like? i know one hundred per watering.or aprox. 2 gallon's per you feed every other watering..and water every other day ?


Well-Known Member
damn..i always forget something..i go through silica like shit through a goose..instead of using PH up...i use silica to bring my PH is a excellent ph up ajuster..a little spendy for a PH ajuster..but better for your plant;s..i use reverse osmosis water and keep PH at around 6.8 for soil..give or take a little..i learned this trick from doctor von dankenstien.a very clever and helpfull fellow..he also likes dirt and organics.:leaf:..i keep the PH at around 5.8 to 6 for hydro i dont really use any silica for that unless i get stupid and ajust it to far down and have to bring it back up .:joint:


Well-Known Member
VooDoo is the shit for hydro, didn't see a dramatic difference in soil... Scorpion definately increases resin production.
Absolutely man.

I bet some are going to think that it's not really fair to compare FF to Conni. I mean you've got an ultra-premium nutrient versus ordinary FF... it's hardly a contest there.

max - I use barricade the same way. It's awesome for pH Up with the added benefit of making your stems super strong.


Well-Known Member
i cant help but chuckle when i hear of someones plant falling over because its not strong enough to hold itself up...


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, the suggested amount is only like 1/2 mL per gallon, how much are you using?

Can't there be bad side effects of too much silica?

Idk about the comparison of FF to AN, that's why I'm giving it a shot, maybe I'll find out something interesting.


Well-Known Member
i personaly use as much as is needed to raise the PH to where i want it..normaly around 5 to 10 ml per2 gallon..the only bad side effects i can see are plants that are growing perfect you cant hardly stress out and stalks as thick as your finger in a month plants strong as hell it just the silica? i dont know..but i use it...and it seems to work well..


Well-Known Member
Huh, that's a lot of silica, or Potassium Silicate... I guess I could use a bit more on some of them, if DrVonDank does it, I'll give it a try. I don't see why it would hurt, if they don't need that much they won't use it. I only use 5 mL per ten gallons. Big difference from 5-10 per 2 gallons...


Well-Known Member
it dosnt seem to hurt them any..the plants are large moving fast..healthy and strong..silica is natural in the earth..and it makes a excellent ph up ajuster..there is nothing in it to burn your plant's or their roots...i truly think my favorite substance is garden lime though..for dirt is fool takes away so many problems that can happen...and things just seem to run alot better and smoother with it.


Well-Known Member
Unless I'm mistaken the only problem with larger doses of silica is that the plant structures, mostly stems and branches, can become extra strong to the point that it's hard to cut them.

I'm sure there's a level that is bad for plants but it must be pretty high.


Well-Known Member
I just figured the high pH might mess them up a bit :? I'll continue to use the recommended dose, I still have to lower my pH a bit... So excess silica will just make me have to lower it even more, using lime is a great way to combat a low pH and cal mag problems.


Well-Known Member
I just figured the high pH might mess them up a bit :? I'll continue to use the recommended dose, I still have to lower my pH a bit... So excess silica will just make me have to lower it even more, using lime is a great way to combat a low pH and cal mag problems.
the RO takes the PH low..for soil..tape water normaly has a higher PH mines does i got to raise it..ive been using garden lime since i read about it on RIU..and i have3 had no problems..


Well-Known Member
Whats up mrhoward, good to see ya!! Ok guys I just read through this whole thread. This came along at just the right time. I'm gonna be starting my grow just after the new years, and I've been starting to think aobut what nutes I'm gonna use. So maybe you guys can help me out. I'm on a tight budget, but I do want to go all organic. I would also like to go as simple as possible. The potting soil I got is supposed to be certified ogranic, I can't think of what brand right now :joint:. I was also planning on adding 2 parts perlite, also some water crystals, and was considering some organic bone meal. I was thinking about adding lime, but wasn't sure what was recommended and if you guys don't mind, what the main benefits of the lime since your talking about it! :) The set up will be between 10-15 plants, mostly sativas, indoors, soil, short CFL veg, 1000w hps flower. I might scrog a couple too.


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry to double post, I'll be using tap water most likely I have no idea where to get RO water around here. I still need to check my tap ph, I just got a ph kit the other day. I also got one of those green soil ph testers. They any good? It was like 5 bucks.


Well-Known Member
The soil probes work, but they aren't accurate at all, they'll tell you if there's a dramatic problem though.

Garden Lime, Dolomite Lime, Pulverized Lime, they're all the same and it's cheap as hell. It's used to raise the soil pH, and also provides calcium and magnesium.

With Peat Moss, the pH is really low, like 5, so you need to add around 2 tablespoons per 5 gallons. A bale has 25 gallons, so 10 tablespoons per bale. It's a white powder, just mix it in with the moss when you're mixing in the perlite.

Benefits, correct soil pH, calcium, magnesium... Which allows better nutrient uptake.

As far as nutes, FF is really simple, not 100% organic though, I'm impressed with the current results. It's also fairly affordable.