Ace of Spades Pollen Chuck experiment


Active Member
This last winter/early spring I had a grow tent running in my garage and had a really bad powder mold problem. I had a 10 pack of TGA Ace of Spades, Flying Dutchman Pot of Gold and a few other clones running at the time. As soon as I saw the powder mold I pulled the plants out of the grow tent and sprayed the tent with diluted bleach water and wiped it down. I took the remaining plants and removed all of the lower plant growth to allow better air circulation, I think some people call it lollipoping. My local hydro store recommended I use green cure as a fungicide so I sprayed thoroughly and let the plants dry out in the back yard sun.

After the fungicide was sprayed I notices some of the plants were shocked and showed serious leaf curl. I separated the sickly plants and put the healthy ones into the 12/12 light cycle. I decided that I didn't want to risk the powder mold coming back so i decided to use the ace of spades for my first pollen chucking experiment. I put the Pot of Gold, Ace of spades and a few Kush strains that came from a Cali-Connection mix pack (AKA-Kali Confusion) into the 12/12 tent. Then after about three weeks I put the plants that had been shocked and some other clones into the 12/12 tent.

I had five males to choose from but narrowed it down to two. They were placed into the grow tent 3 weeks apart. Both males seemed similar in veg and showed strong initial vigor and a favorable growth structure. After a few weeks in 12/12 it was clear that the second male produced fewer flowers but had a sweet berry musk odor. The first male pollinated the 3 ace of spades girls, 3 pot of gold, and two random mix pack Kush plants.
The second male skeeted on the 2 other ace of spades females, 2 pot of gold, my bubblegum, 3 TGA Chernobyl and my Cali connection Chem Valley Kush (SFV Dominate).

After I finished separating my seeds I started the clean up process and pulled about 30 seeds from the carpet. I took those seeds and threw them in the back yard near the tomato garden and I have about 15 random sprouts popping up in the garden. Hopefully I picked a good males for this project but wont know what I have until they flower out. Also,I decided to run about 20 of the Ace of Spades f2s to see what I can unlock and see if its worth running the rest of the crosses.

I don't really know much about breeding so this is a completely new learning experience for me. Wish me luck and feel free to share any feed back.


Active Member
I'm really wondering how the Ace of Spades f2s are going to express themselves. Anyone with experience running f2 seeds from a poly-hybrid?


Active Member
Out of the random seedlings from the tomato garden I ended up with 8 females that I transplanted into two 45 gallon Geopots. I would normally never put multiple plants in a shared container like this but these seeds are unknown and are basically testers.

Now that these girls have vegged a bit I am starting to get an idea of what mother plant they had come from. The four plants in the rear Geobag have huge indica looking fan leaves that are larger then my head. This characteristic was something that I had only seen in the Chem Valley Kush. The other four girls are still a toss up. I'm hoping they were crossed with my beloved Bubblegum but I have a feeling they might be Pot of Gold X Ace of Spades :)


Active Member
Lookin good man! nothing wrong with experimenting with your own breedin!!! I am doing my own project right now to! Keep us updated though man I am curious what you end up with! cant be bad!! :)