accidental nute feed , 3 week old vegging clones..advice please.

my two female clones are have been vegging for 3 weeks,,i accidentally gave them water with mollases and a little terra flora,, now some lower leaves are yellow and the plantPicture 103.jpgs are drooping and curling under.. should i flush? ? any help would be awesome..i ahve been asking alot of questions latley,, :) im fasinatedPicture 100.jpg


Well-Known Member
hmm the tips are not to burnt , how often are u watering the plant ? what sorta soil is it and whats in it ?generally in my experiences nute burn comes up with the tip of the leaves crispy , your plant looks like its got a nitro or mag deff.


Active Member
looks like over/under watering. also looks like ALL your leaves are dis-colored. i think if it was nute burn ur leaves would look burnt instead of droopy.

thats the same plant in both the pics rite ? if i were you i would just let it sit for a day or two without water. if you see its getting worse,you can try flushing.

like smallclosetgrower said the soil has alot to do with it. what brand is it?
i took them out of the family dolar soil and bought cow manuer and peat moss with mg potting soil,,has to be better than what i had right? should i wet the soil or leave it for a few days, ,,feed just water?