Acceptable costs for meds?


Well-Known Member
It's common knowledge that cannabis is an annual, not a WEED. If you want your argument to have any validity get your facts straight.
Even if you consider cannabis as an annual it still can be considered a weed, its also a herb and also a could be called a flower. Dandelion is a weed and a herb and as a side bar makes some really good wine. There are hundreds of plants that are considered weeds its all about what slang you wish to use in your conversation. Throw marijuana seeds any where and they will sprout "Like a weed they grow". Lets not let the drama or semantics hinder our conversations.


Well-Known Member
So, I've been to The Human Collective II, Urban Collective, and Oregon Medical Cannabis Club, and they all charge "donation rates" of about $10/g. (Human Collective II had "donation rates" between $8-$10/g)

You know how much I pay on the street? $10/g. Same from 3 different dealers.

So does someone want to explain to me how these places aren't selling? Calling a sale a donation doesn't make it so. I can call my cat a dog, but he's still a cat.
You and I both know they are selling and I am selling my overage and anybody else that takes even a dollar for their cannabis is selling. But try and prove that in a court and it may not go far.
But who really should care? really come on.....
I work my ass off growing cannabis and yes i enjoy every minute of it, but why shouldn't I be able to get paid for my work. Why shouldn't marijuana be treated like any other commodity. Why shouldn't I be paid the same if I grow organic tomatoes or cannabis? Why do you think you should recieve anything for free or at a discounted price just because you are an Oregon medical marijuana patient?
Let some one else do the work and you take the fruits of that labor for nothing?
Stop expecting something for nothing and the marijuana world will be a hell of lot better.


Well-Known Member
You and I both know they are selling and I am selling my overage and anybody else that takes even a dollar for their cannabis is selling. But try and prove that in a court and it may not go far.
But who really should care? really come on.....
I work my ass off growing cannabis and yes i enjoy every minute of it, but why shouldn't I be able to get paid for my work. Why shouldn't marijuana be treated like any other commodity. Why shouldn't I be paid the same if I grow organic tomatoes or cannabis? Why do you think you should recieve anything for free or at a discounted price just because you are an Oregon medical marijuana patient?
Let some one else do the work and you take the fruits of that labor for nothing?
Stop expecting something for nothing and the marijuana world will be a hell of lot better.
Thought it was state law you cant be paid for your time if your are a grower its a out of the kindness of ones heart deal if YOU choose to take on someone sick and grow THIER meds for them? If you except anymore then what it cost to grow said herb you are a criminal and that's BY LAW.... Or did I miss something when I decided to grow for the deathly ill?


Well-Known Member
Thought it was state law you cant be paid for your time if your are a grower its a out of the kindness of ones heart deal if YOU choose to take on someone sick and grow THIER meds for them? If you except anymore then what it cost to grow said herb you are a criminal and that's BY LAW.... Or did I miss something when I decided to grow for the deathly ill?
Hear Hear, when I was in oregon, I never charged a patient a dime (no start up fee, no electricity "shared" costs, no costs what so ever). In fact when I left OR I did my damnedest to give them several clones so they could continue to grow the strain. Now that I'm looking to move back to oregon, I am quite hopeful that karma will be on my side and I'll be able to find patients, and be able to get clones of the same plant (now several generations later). If only I were moving back to portland, and not far SE oregon where I know absolutely no one. Oh well, any oregon is better than no oregon ;) Still, fingers crossed I'll buy a house in SE oregon, AND will be able to find patients to garden for as apparently the whole not charging sick people a dime puts me in the minority of growers. It's just been my feelings that your patient is being nice enough to provide you with a legal shield to pursue this wonderful hobby. So it's the least you can do to split the harvest with them and cover any expenses yourself (perhaps reasoning that it's a small price to pay for half the harvest....)

/me dismounts soap box.


Well-Known Member
Thought it was state law you cant be paid for your time if your are a grower its a out of the kindness of ones heart deal if YOU choose to take on someone sick and grow THIER meds for them? If you except anymore then what it cost to grow said herb you are a criminal and that's BY LAW.... Or did I miss something when I decided to grow for the deathly ill?
What I said was that if you take a dollar its a sale, as far as growing for compassion I have to say I never ask for any monetary compensation from any patient. You need to look at HB3460 and see what a grower can charge now or what will be asked by a retail outlet for cannabis as of March 4, 2014. Its a new world out here.
And as a sidebar I am having a wonderful alcohol/cannabis infused Christmas and I hope the rest of you are doing the same.