AC Timer Idea's


Active Member
Hey team

I have a portable AC unit, and would love to fully automate it. I can’t use an ordinary timer since once the power is shut on or off at the wall, you need to press a button on the unit to power it back up.

I have found a Thermal Controller and would love to use this for my AC

This would make my grow fully automated, It starts and stops the power like a timer, but instead of time, it uses temperature to know when to turn on and off.

Any ideas on how I can do this?

Cheers guys and gals :weed:


stays relevant.
A thermostat? Those may or may not work with your AC. I have an AC it doesn't work on, requires you push a button to turn it on, but your AC might work if the thermostat supplies some sort of minimal electricity to the AC to keep the panels up.

They should sell plug in thermostats at home depot.