Absortion Time Question (Hard Edibiles)


First, I want to say thanks for all those who participate in this forum. This is my first post, and I'm sure I'll find some much need knowledge here.

I have been using medical cannabis for years. I normally use either the flower, via a bong, or a vape pen. (The O-Pen set up type).

Yesterday, I decided to try an edible for the first time. I've always been leery of the dosing, and the time of on-set. I went ahead and ate one of those small round brownies, which I have been told contains roughly 45 mg of THC. The onset began within about 50 minutes and lasted around two hours, before I noticed a decline. I was so impressed with the entire experience, that I went out and purchased some edible hard candy, 10 mg each piece.

My Question:

I have come to understand that with the hard candy, the THC is actually absorbed by way of "oral uptake," vs. "
"gastrointestinal uptake." In-other-words, the hard candy is absorbed into the blood stream by absorption through some glands rather than being metabolized during the digestive process.

I understand that the hard candy will be absorbed within about 20 minutes vs. 1-2 hours with the other forms of edibles, such as brownies.

Can anybody share their time frame on how soon they felt the effects and how long the effects lasted before they began to wear off, compared to a brownies type of edible?

Thanks again for your time.

Regards, b1rd


Well-Known Member
What your asking is how a products logp and route of administration effects the half life?

Edibles depending how they are produced are either largely absorbed deep in the intestine, in the stomach or to a lesser extent the mouth and even hands. It takes about an hour and a half for blood to reach peak serum levels when absorbed intestinal and colonic. And you should feel effect up to 8-10hrs. Depending tolerance. You can change that using a different carrier and most will absorb in your belly, peaking in 30-60 depending and will last roughly 6 -8hrs

Sublingually is in many ways similar to inhalation as it is deposited straight into the blood stream. You will feel effect (peak effect) in less than 10 minutes and will last 4-6 depending on tolerance, it could be more like 2 but the compounds are still in your system, and not all side effects succumb to tolerance


Thank-you for the very prompt, and informative, reply. You did answer my question, however I do have a follow-up.

I have also come to understand that an edible, such as a brownie, that is metabolized by the liver, creates a different effect (feeling), then smoking or vaporizing it, because smoked or vaporized cannabis bypasses the liver and doesn’t create the same 11-hydroxy-THC** <Foot noted. So, do you happen to know if a sublingual edible also bypasses the liver too, which I would assume that it does but I wanted to check.

The reason for my question is that I'd like to replicate the experience from yesterday with the brownie, however I'd also like the ability to have full control over the dosing, and the hard candy seems the better way. I am aware they offer gel caps, however I do feel the price point does not warrant that as an option, at least not with my wallet.

Thanks again,

**Ref: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/13/smoke-vs-snack-why-edible-marijuana-is-stronger-than-smoking.html