about watering my clones


Well-Known Member
Mist them with pure water a few times a day and keep them under some type of humidity dome, I use a clear plastic cup, and keep your soil moist. Do not let that soil dry out, but dont keep it soggy either. It will take about 7-14 days to root usually. I root clones like this and get very good results.


Well-Known Member
as long as the soil is moist, just mist the foilage once or twice a day with plain ph'd water. Don't keep the soil wet or they will rot. there are no roots yet so watering the soil is kind of pointless unless it gets completely dried out. Once you see vegetative growth in the plant you can just start watering the soil.


Well-Known Member
Clones will root faster ( and better chance of success) if started in hydro set up.

I grow in dirt but always clone in my little bubbler tray ( total cost to build 40 bucks..) Including the Cloning powder...

Have more clones then I know what to do with...

No matter what you clone in..invest in a cloning powder or liquid solution...

And like others have said...

Keep them damp but not soggy...also keep them kinda cool...they don't like being hot or even really warm.