about 4-5 weeks in to flowering


Well-Known Member
1. What strain is that?
2. Keep your cat the F*** away from your plants homeboy. The insects they can introduce to your plants is crazy, not to mention I saw a girl with cat allergies get quite up in a mess when she smoked some shit that was handled by a cat lover, so I hope it's all for you. :o


Well-Known Member
Well, Streching is a bad thing. Its hard to see whats going on with your plant. Give all info that you can. Do you know the strand, how long into veg, how long into flower (4-5 wks) is what you have. what type of light, ect.
meow now...:)

captain toke

Active Member
to tell you the truth im not shure how long it was in veg state, about a month or so,i dont know what strand it is,im useing 3 spot lites on it because i dont have the money now for a good lite,to answer that other guy its all for me& my cat doesent see the plant unless i take it out like when i took those pics other than that its in the grow room, what kind of plant food/ is good for budding?and can i trim leaves off durring flowering,if they get damaged by say like a cat biteing the leaves? i will put more pics up soon so you can see it better

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Captain,

The plant looks AMAZING if you actually grew it with incandescent lamps...

over all it is a scrawny plant that is stretched... BUT the fact that you made it this far without CFL or HID is pretty amazing.. can you post a picture of your lights.... and the placement of your lights in respect to your plants...

If you did grow this with incandescents, it is the best grow I have seen with THOSE lights.. ahahahha

"Stretching" is caused by POOR lighting and references to the nodal spacing... the space between your nodes is MORE than it should be.... this will give you small, puffy buds on a plant that is always "just about to fall over"...

thanks for the pictures and congrats...

get some CFLs :)

and NOW you KNOWM

captain toke

Active Member
to answer about the cat its the same one that Attacked my leaves she ate a big leaf/bit it hahaha,,,any ways thanks for the light tip im just trying to be a macGyver grower usein what i got thats all,here are a few pics for the grow pros to laugh at:roll: here are some pics of the lights and 1 more of the top of the plant .the white hairs/pistols are starting to change to orange i dont know if its doing it to soon or the lights may be doing it prematurly/but if weak lights make em streach funny like, it may be normal ? but im just trying to grow some smoke so i guess i will see what happens.one more question when should/does it start getting crystaly or does the lights have any thing to do with that ?fuck one more what if i change the lights now to like flouresnt would that help or not


Dr High

Well-Known Member
Seriously! you did a great job for 3 lights! it looks nice and healthy. nothing worng with it. just missing the lumen power, other than that you got the green thumb:) Peace

captain toke

Active Member
ok i just changed lights to Flouresent Lights now will this be better for the plant?it veged under spot lights and now i switched to Flouresent for the rest of the flowering period,should i leave it or go back to old lights???