AB390 Hearing postponed until next year


Well-Known Member
meh.... i don't understand.. is it really better that we wait a year?? i will have to think on it.. it seems like if it didn't go through we could have had a new bill next year.. right?

i want to know what the logic was behind this move....!?!?


Active Member
Thanks for the update, I have been wondering what was up with it. I am disapointed but not as much as I would be without my medical recommedation!


Well-Known Member
ok - reading at norml.org i found that "While it is impossible to know how the Committee would have voted, all early indications were that several powerful members of the Committee were expected to oppose the bill. We now have additional time to lobby the Public Safety Committee and the Assembly to support AB 390, which you can do here and here."

so maybe it is good that we didn't get shot down in the first round.. we can put our heads together and make sure the bill is fair for everyone...


New Member
At least it's only postponed and not cancelled or shot down completely. Besides MA has a similar bill in the works, maybe they'll pass it and then CA and follow suit.