A warning onusing smart pots

places in the PNW have super high levels of heavy metals in the soil, stupid smelter from ages ago, not good to have those nice ladies sucking up that nastiness, the pond\swamp guerilla grow sounds great, tons of nutrients around, I feel bad for the people with nothing but clay around


Well-Known Member
Shit all of my outside plants are in smart pots (well knock offs) and just sitting on top of the mulch. I need to get them up and off somehow.
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Well-Known Member
i just ment. u could use tiny pots instead of so much soil. .autos dont need a ton of soil they just dont grow that big indoors at all.. i wasted alot of money on 200 seeds autos.. and even with 5 gallon pots from the start. the autos just didnt yield shit . and the high . wasnt all there..


Well-Known Member
I have mine on concrete thanks for the heads up I'll rig something up to get em off the ground tommorow


Well-Known Member
I did 12/12 from seed just to breed it because I ran out of time to do a full out grow, but yea I would do 1g pots if I were autoing.

Also I think the main problem is with indoors and people not running any dehumidifier like my self. Outdoor growers probably will never have this problem.


Well-Known Member
I use 100-200 gallon smart pots and love that the ground underneath stays cool and damp. I actually cannot give my outdoor plants too much water in the summer. So I guess this "warning" is for the folks in the super wet areas? If so good warning I guess but most people should not worry about the cool damp soil underneath their Smart Pots.


Well-Known Member
Are you guys serious. You put your pots in low spots or where they'd be in a puddle then blame the pot for bottom watering itself or being ponded. The pots work exactly the way they should. Piss poor planning imo