A new grow and a plea for insight...

Saul Good

Active Member
Hello Good People... Okay...so I've got a new fall grow going on and I need some info, advice and insight. Not my first go-round flirting with the girls, but this is my first attempt using a RDWC system. I fell in love with Heath and his systems and I've tried to utilyse a bunch of his stuff, a bunch of other stuff that I've gleaned from RIU, and a little bit of common sense and reality. I would love to get some feedback about what I'm trying to do here.

I'm going to post some pix and maybe a video if I can figure that out... and I'm going to keep y'all updated about what I've got going on. Basically, a RDWC system that I bastardized to fit within the space that I had available. In the coming days I'll put up a line drawing of the system, with measurements and all that crappola, but since it's an ongoing experiment, I would advise that you wait for results... I'm the first to admit that I ain't no Cervantes....:-)

On the other hand, I've got some girls growing that might give some of you guys a pudgy and might make a few of you gals lick your lips... At the least it's gotten my household 'excited' and ,for right now, that's working for me...

Here's some pix and possibly a video. I would love to have any advice or critisism or whatever.

This is good stuff that we're doing people. Don't ever let go of that. The world is changing around us and we are a big part of the future. Much love to you all...
More to come...

So let me know what you think...

-Saul Good-



Active Member
Looking good man, Those ladies look very healthy. Glad to see another new hydro grow on here. I assume since you know of RDWC u know of under current ? In my opinion its the best form of RDWC & can practically be fit into any space. Anyhow man ill be tuned in and watching :) Keep us all up to date ! check out my thread if u dont know what under current is.

Saul Good

Active Member
Looks like the video didn't load. So I'll work on that thing. Don't give up just yet. This is hopefully going to be an epic grow. If I can figure out this freaking computer thang I'll be able to share it. Stay tuned...

Saul Good

Active Member
Hey Chronic...thank for the good thoughts. Before the change to RDWC I did a lot of research into where I would go next. The recirculating DWC seemed to be the best fit for the space I had but I am continually searching for the 'perfect fit'... I'll do a little more research about under-current for future grows. At the moment, I'm committed... So many choices, yeah? I am so in love with the RIU community and the commitment that so many good folks have towards cultivation of medication. I love it, love it, love it...
Now, if someone could explain to me how to upload a fucking VIDEO....:-) :-) :-)
But it's all about the love....
God Bless...


Active Member
Hey Chronic...thank for the good thoughts. Before the change to RDWC I did a lot of research into where I would go next. The recirculating DWC seemed to be the best fit for the space I had but I am continually searching for the 'perfect fit'... I'll do a little more research about under-current for future grows. At the moment, I'm committed... So many choices, yeah? I am so in love with the RIU community and the commitment that so many good folks have towards cultivation of medication. I love it, love it, love it...
Now, if someone could explain to me how to upload a fucking VIDEO....:-) :-) :-)
But it's all about the love....
God Bless...

If you are medical, I recommend you start a youtube channel. Just upload your videos to youtube, & use the " insert video " button witch can be found in the 3rd column over from your " bold itallic Underline " tab. You just simply paste your URL of your youtube video in there and you are good to go :) Cant wait to see further updates !

Saul Good

Active Member
Damn... I can grow, I can drive a car without killing too many people, I can convert milliliters to gallons, I can work the DVR and the microwave, and I can even text on a phone that's smarter than me... But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to upload a video to RIU. Can someone 'splain it to me?

Saul Good

Active Member
Well, Chronic...since I'm in NYS I can't be technichally considered 'medical' even though my wife has often tried to have me committed... I'll check out further options tomorrow, including youtube. Tonight I need to shut off and explore the Land of Nod. Thanks for your communications. Very much appreciated.

Saul Good

Active Member
All righty then... Well, I've decided to forego the video since I don't want to get that 'personal' by establishing a YouTube channel linked to my personal info. And I haven't gotten any alternative directions, so we'll just let that go. And, to be honest, my first attempt at a RDWC has been fairly problematic...with pump problems and other mechanical problems...plus getting familiar with using the Lucas Formula properly has given me a few problems too. I know that it's a simple program and I'm pretty sure I've gotten it figured out now, but to share this train-wreck of a grow would be almost useless at this point. Not really a train-wreck, since the girls are still doing great, but I was really hoping to share a smoother grow. I've just transitioned to bloom phase and have ordered more beans for a new start in February, maybe January if these gals move quickly enough. By then, I'll have my head on straighter, my milliliters/teaspoons/gallons etc. comfortable in my head and will do a proper journal from seed to bud. In the meantime I'll continue my studies at RUI University.
I will post ongoing pix from this grow just in case y'all are curious about the results. Thanks..