a mini indoor


Active Member
hi all:bigjoint:

well, here is my grow room (if u can call it like that) hehe

not money around here in baja, so just build it with things i had in the house....

the area is 0.19 m2

i have 5 cfl's (around 7000 lmn), they are 10-15 from the lamps now.
2 pc fans , on all day&night
14oz. cups
1 jet puff creme cup (yummy:lol:) for improvised aeroponics
the reflective thing was a windshield cover from a car
a little air pump, with no airstone
a big fan outside removing the air from the house, all the windows are open always

right now i have the 24/0

they have 1 month old!!!:-( yeahh.. i dont know why, im using soil from the store, im watering with drinking water

i water like every 2 days... but the soil its too compact, it cracks and dont let the roots breathe

they are not chronic or something like that, its some pretendal from the streets:sleep:or garbage haha

im just experimenting with these ones, so later i can get ones from Europe...(is there a place in san diego where i can buy seeds?)
I already asked a few friends to get me some seeds, but its rarely that the nugs come with them

well enough of blah... here asre the photos


ps. sorry 4 my englishbongsmilie

bubbleponics!! hehe





Well-Known Member
I love the improvised setup, my friend!

Is there any way you could find some perlite or vermiculite to open up the soil for drainage and aeration for your little girls?

And looks like they could use some N. And you could move your plants closer to the lights if you like too :D


Active Member
I love the improvised setup, my friend!

Is there any way you could find some perlite or vermiculite to open up the soil for drainage and aeration for your little girls?
hi man!:peace:
thnx !!! :D

actually there are like 10 little stones at the bottom of each cup, but i think the water doest even get that far

i want to transplant them in this few days to some 9 or 10"square pots... and im gonna mix the soil with some perlite... its 1:4 or something like that right?:confused:

And looks like they could use some N. And you could move your plants closer to the lights if you like too :D
yeah, right now some leaves are yellow :S did i need to buy liquid N and shower the surface of the soil?

thnx again:joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
A 1:4 perlite:soil ratio should be fine, but I've even heard 50% is good too. As for N, some all purpose 20-20-20 nutrients or the like should solve that problem, along with any other deficiencies that may be present. But be aware, they are still very small and may be VERY sensitive so 1/4 of the recommended dosage or LESS should be used to begin with. Be very careful. In my experience, most of my plants that have reached 1 month of age require more nutrients than the soil can provide, but with yours being stunted as they are, they are still in a very young state.

Be very careful.


Active Member
A 1:4 perlite:soil ratio should be fine, but I've even heard 50% is good too. As for N, some all purpose 20-20-20 nutrients or the like should solve that problem, along with any other deficiencies that may be present. But be aware, they are still very small and may be VERY sensitive so 1/4 of the recommended dosage or LESS should be used to begin with. Be very careful. In my experience, most of my plants that have reached 1 month of age require more nutrients than the soil can provide, but with yours being stunted as they are, they are still in a very young state.

Be very careful.
i will have that in mind dude

look, i went to home depot and got this soil that im planning to use, do you think its ok? maybe i will add some little stones from the yard jeje...

heres a single box with a bag in it, and a foam to hold the plants.... theres an airstone too and a thermostat, just to experiment with soil less

and i got a reflector too and a MH lamp... i just need the ballast so i can switch from CFL's

peace out :joint:



Active Member
i just turned 4 babies to aeroponics or bubbletonics lol i dont know

help is welcome :) im using regular water, within this days im gonna buy some liquid nutrients

i also got some new soil from the store cause the one i was using was too compact when dry

i just taped the water bottle so no light can penetrate

peace ppl

ps. sorry for the english :P



Active Member
i went to home depot and got this, does it work? how can i use it in my hidro?


liquid (7-7-7)

this are the nutrients, in spanish, sorry :P

(N)Nitrogeno ----7%
0.4% N.Amoniacal
6.6% Nitrato de N

Fosfato (P2 O5)---7%
Potasa Soluble (K2O)----7%


Cobre (Cu)---0.05%


Manganeso (Mn)------0.08%



Active Member

more photos

they are 5 weeks old

it has been 2 days since i added 25 drops of the miracle-gro 7-7-7... i know these are not the best nutrients, but there are no grow stores here in ensenada, and ebay shipping its ridiculous!!

here are the 4 Aero/bubble babies

this one is so tiny haha

the other 3
i added 3 drops to 1 liter of water and sprayed this plants
should i water with that sol. every day? or i use regular water?

new family members:weed:

the temp has elevated to 27-29 C
because of the warmwhite in the lamp with reflector i added....
but i think its still ok

and here is all the improvised setup

peace people:leaf:


Active Member
hello :joint:

well, heres an update of my poorly looking plants

Day 45 from seed

the hydro's also looking bad, the roots are bigger since i changed them from soil though.

April 6

april 11

this ones are suposed to be purple haze a friend gave them to me, but idk

they are 24/0
temp around 24 at night, as u can see in the pic

in the day is around 28 C even 29.5 in some of these hot days around here

well, ass you can see they look terrible!!!

they should be at least 400% bigger for 45 days dont you think??

tomorrow im getting a HPS ballast

i alreadyhave a MH lamp and a hps lamp

im planning to open the ballast and disconect the ignitor to run the MH lamp and then connect it again for the hps... i have read a lot of posts around here and alot of ohter forums... and by far it can be done because mh lamps run lower on the capacitor or something like that i dont remember.

have you people made this kind of experiment?

i cant afford a dual ballast or 2 different ballast so this is my bet... if not im just gonna grow with cfls in veg and use my hps to flower....

hope somebody help me out here:confused:



Hey dude.

I'm no electrician, but If I had to guess I'd say yes it'll work.
I'm in the process of getting my own grow room set up, and for that I have a 400W ballast designed for MH and HPS. It doesn't include the ignitor, but has a wiring diagram of how to add it in, so I assume without the ignitor you can run MH.

Also people have been saying that you can run MH with a ignitor anyway, only it'll shorten the bulbs lifetime.


Active Member
Hey dude.

I'm no electrician, but If I had to guess I'd say yes it'll work.
I'm in the process of getting my own grow room set up, and for that I have a 400W ballast designed for MH and HPS. It doesn't include the ignitor, but has a wiring diagram of how to add it in, so I assume without the ignitor you can run MH.

Also people have been saying that you can run MH with a ignitor anyway, only it'll shorten the bulbs lifetime.

i will have that in mind man thnx!! its obviusky better to have a hps/mh ballast so the bulb work well



Active Member
hey people!!

i finally got my ballast, and its not what i expected..... i got only the parts.... and its a multi ballast

can help me out here?? to connect the components

i dont want to mess it up doing it without consulting first....

here are the pics!!

im not spending more money!!!!! its enough i have around 100 bucks on my setup right know



Active Member
HEY!!! :-P

i finally got my hps ballast, maybe they will get better with these lights

Im going to use a MH bulb on it for the rest the Veg.

and use the propper hps bulb that i also got in flowering.

im not 100% sure about this because there are already signs of "unfunction" lol
theres a black line inside the socket.... it showed in the 1st try

hereis the bulb warming up (no ignitor connected)

heres at full power



Active Member
and heres sodium

warming up

why are this stripes? i saw them on a few pics in riu... i took them with the phone though.

ps. still working on my english ppl :P


Active Member
i transplanted the 3 plants on cups to 8" 's

the light is 40cm above the babies

i added 1 nutrients bar to each container...

more photos soon

a view from outside the bathroom


the nutrients bar