A Mandala summer


Well-Known Member
Thanks for documenting the Mandala grow Clink. I've got a 10 pack of Satori in the drawer I want to get to this winter, to have clones for outdoors next summer. Sure hope your sativa's show sex soon for you. Last summer I had to build a light deprivation chamber for my Maui to get her to start flower in mid-august.


Well-Known Member
Last year my male mandala #1 showed his balls in the first week of August and my female 3 weeks later.

I'm really hoping my Satori's a girl cause it's looking real healthy! :)


Well-Known Member
Sativa sex update:

Kalichakra: FEMALE!

Satori: FEMALE!!

4 out of 4!

Just one unkown left: Beyond The Brain



Well-Known Member
Should be able to post some pics this weekend :)

I re-lst'd all of them except Mrs. Hashberry.

Ganesh is simply amazing. Right now she's looking like 6 plants. I wonder if that's why they called her that...

Although I have no definitive signs, I'm pretty sure my last unknown is a female as well :)
Excited to follow along your growth ! Mandala is on my wishlist for next years outdoor grow . Curious about the mold resistance and low or no feeding behavior of their strains , especially the Plushberry .


Well-Known Member
Excited to follow along your growth ! Mandala is on my wishlist for next years outdoor grow . Curious about the mold resistance and low or no feeding behavior of their strains , especially the Plushberry .
I think you mean Hashberry? Plushberry is TGA Subcool I believe

I did get some mold last year with Mandala #1 unfortunately, but we had some cold rainy weather in her last days. This year I'm gonna try and build a collapsing roof for the worst days.

I haven't fed mine at all this year and so far, so good :)

Sorry for the lack of pics everyone. This is a somewhat stealthy outside grow and I can't be too obvious with the camera... Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to show the girls and the fat woman (Ganesh) ;)


Well-Known Member
Awesome, I feels you on being sneaky. It can be difficult for me to visit some of my gardens during the day time, and then i don't want to flash my girls at night. I hope you get some pictures for us though =D
Sorry to hear your BtB turned out male, but congratz on the 4 confirmed females. I can't wait to watch your ganesh fill out.
I think you mean Hashberry? Plushberry is TGA Subcool I believe

I did get some mold last year with Mandala #1 unfortunately, but we had some cold rainy weather in her last days. This year I'm gonna try and build a collapsing roof for the worst days.

I haven't fed mine at all this year and so far, so good :)
Yea , Hushberry is what I meant :) I had some trouble with mold on my indica plant last year , which was my fault as I overfed her
and she had budworms to boot , lost 20% but gained 100% more knowledge on how to take care of them better .
This year is my second year in growing outdoors and I have 3 Querkles in the ground , this time only good organic soil with worm castings , composted sheep manure and a weekly ACT , no other ferts and they look quite happy .


Well-Known Member
Hey Clink,

I know what you mean about the late showing Sativa plants. The last one finally showed... and... balls!

I tried light deprivation on another Mulanje and she got so big and so wet I was worried about it being bad for her so I stopped. She started to reveg! In late August! She is mainlined so I am cutting her back for 32 mains and letting her grow out some more. Maybe I can try blackout cloth - it might breathe.


Reveg single blades:

Clipped back:



Well-Known Member
Alright here's few pics of the girls and a possible problem arising:







And Ganesh the multi-arm God (featuring Satori on the left in front of the main branch):


And now the fucking problem. There is some black stuff on several bud sites on both the Satori and Ganesh. Any idea what it could be?:



Well-Known Member
'Cept for the black spots (you should go to their website, maybe they know something about it), they are looking fantastic.


Well-Known Member
The black looks like the purps comin in! I have the same thing on a couple of my plants.. nothing to worry about. In fact youll probably start to like it ;)

check out mine



Well-Known Member
Alright here's few pics of the girls and a possible problem arising:


View attachment 2797794

And Ganesh the multi-arm God (featuring Satori on the left in front of the main branch):

View attachment 2797797

And now the fucking problem. There is some black stuff on several bud sites on both the Satori and Ganesh. Any idea what it could be?:

View attachment 2797804
I am not sure why your growing tips are darkening up.
I have grown out Satori many times and I have never seen that happen to any of my plants.
I am doing a three plant Satori grow now...

I would foliar feed with a well balanced all purpose fertilizer to see if that helps it clear up.
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I checked with a scope and nothing's moving at least. It's really a coloration but as far as what is causing it I have no idea. I'm gonna wait it out and see what happens. All four are now "affected". Hmmm..


Active Member
Hmmmm, If it's a "natural" coloration phenom that's affecting all your plants, then I ask...

What have your daytime and nighttime temps been like?