A Man, A Plan, A Pot: Marijuana


A Man, A Plan, A Pot: Marijuana
Greetings! Long time lurker first time poster.
Here I want to lay out my plan for a first time grow this summer but first a little background.

I’m currently a sophomore in college in Washington State and have been an avid marijuana enthusiast for as long as I can remember. I believe my first time smoking was seventh grade and I kept it up habitually ever since. Because I had a job through high school cost was never an issue and I had a regular dealer who would pick up pounds. It always awed me to see such large amounts every time I would show up to grab my measly half but I never really considered growing because, well, I was satisfied. I smoked religiously while maintaining a solid GPA and 25 hour a week job so I consider myself a fairly disciplined person, a person who could manage a first time grow op

The first ticklings of this idea came when my longtime dealer began to grow herself around my junior year. She set up a nice indoor growroom which I helped put together in parts and learned a lot in the process. It was a nifty hydroponic system where she had about 10 Northern Lights growing and a smallish closet for a budding room. After her first harvest this idea really took hold in me and my buddy, not an indoor setup, but rather a pseudo-guerilla grow (500 acres across the street from me in my hometown). I spent time looking into it this past summer, finding a spot, etc and plan to carry it out this coming summer. My college gets out in May but subsequently returns the end of August. Due to this being my personal “growing season” I had to find a strain to grow to fulfill these time constraints. Obviously most sativas were eliminated because of their late harvest and higher difficulty for a first time grower. I looked and finally deciding I didn’t want to have to worry about force flowering outdoors if it came down to it (weather, personal mistakes, etc) so I decided an autoflower would be my best bet. Small, discreet, rugged, flowers almost imeddiatly giving me time for curing etc made this my choice. I was considering some of the early budding indicas (AK-48) but I didn’t want to compromise my potential yield because I had to move back out to college coon.

The following is my plans for my 2010 outdoor grow. Any and all critique, criticism, comments, questions are welcomed, after all that is why I’m posting.


·10 Auto-AK47 (http://www.drchronic.com/products.asp?recnumber=1477)
·10 Auto-Blueberry (http://www.drchronic.com/products.asp?recnumber=1968)
These plants should be ready to harvest ~10 weeks after germination. So starting on May 20th (my goal), giving a week (generous) for germination/transplant I should hypothetically be harvesting around the first or two of August giving me time to harvest, cure and make hash out of skuff.
I will be doing this with my best friend of a decade and a knowledgeable stoner in his own right so it will not be a one man op.

I plan on germinating all twenty seeds with the mindset that
·3 won’t germinate properly
·3 will die after/during indoor transplant
·7 will be males/herm
This will leave me with, hypothetically, seven females on my hands to take care of which I feel could yield, if properly cared for, an ounce a piece (please correct me if I’m wrong as I am not totally familiar with auto’s yielding statistics)


I’ll be using the time tested paper damp paper towel sandwich as I have seen the most promising results from this method via my dealer’s grow op.
Germination Medium: HydroFarm Hot House (34.95 locally) http://www.hydrofarm.com/pb_detail.php?itemid=1899

Soil and Nutrients:

For soil I will use Fox Farm’s Ocean Forest ($[FONT=&quot]18.95)[/FONT] supplemented with Fox Farm’s Peace of Mind through the whole process. Despite it being an outdoor grow they WILL remain in the pots for the duration of the grow as to negate the numerous variables of local soil (toxicity, low nuts, rocks etc). For nutrients I will use Big Bloom ([FONT=&quot]$13.50) [/FONT]throughout the grow. In addition I will utilize Grow Big ([FONT=&quot]$17.95)[/FONT] for the vegetative and Tiger Bloom [FONT=&quot]([/FONT][FONT=&quot]$17.95) [/FONT]for the flowering.

Vegetative and Budding Medium:

I plan to keep the plants in their pots through the grow for the aforementioned reasons and because they *should* stay small enough that the root system won’t need bigger than a 3 gallon bucket ($4.95*7)
I’m getting some pH Up and Down ($9.99 each) from the local hydroponics shop but I am having issues finding a reliable (accurate) pH meter that won’t break the bank. The best I can find currently is the Rapitest pH Meter for around $15 but I have heard less than favorable reviews on its accuracy. From that point the meters I find on the internet rapidly jump to the $100+ range. If anyone has a link to something like I’m looking for then +rep for you.

Plot Safety Measures:

·Fishing line for the inevitable deer infestation
·Coyote urine for deer ($7.99)
·Neem Oil ($9.99)


10 Auto AK47 ($60.00)
10 Auto Blueberry ($70.00)
HydroFarm Hot House (34.95)
3 gallon bucket ($4.95*7) $38
Ocean Forest ($[FONT=&quot]18.95*3)[/FONT] $57
1 cu ft = 7.5 gallons
3 Gal*7 Buckets = 21 Gallons
Ocean Forest = 1.5 cu ft
7.5 Gal(1 cu ft) * 3 bags of 1.5cu ft = 22.5 Gallons
Big Bloom ([FONT=&quot]$13.50) [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Tiger Bloom ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]$17.95) [/FONT]
Grow Big ([FONT=&quot]$17.95) [/FONT]
pH Up and Down ($9.99*2)
Neem Oil ($9.99)
Coyote urine ($7.99)
pH Meter ($50)
~$370 total


Any and all comments are welcomed! Help me with my first grow!



Well-Known Member
A Man, A Plan, A Pot: Marijuana
Greetings! Long time lurker first time poster.
Here I want to lay out my plan for a first time grow this summer but first a little background.

I’m currently a sophomore in college in Washington State and have been an avid marijuana enthusiast for as long as I can remember. I believe my first time smoking was seventh grade and I kept it up habitually ever since. Because I had a job through high school cost was never an issue and I had a regular dealer who would pick up pounds. It always awed me to see such large amounts every time I would show up to grab my measly half but I never really considered growing because, well, I was satisfied. I smoked religiously while maintaining a solid GPA and 25 hour a week job so I consider myself a fairly disciplined person, a person who could manage a first time grow op
The first ticklings of this idea came when my longtime dealer began to grow herself around my junior year. She set up a nice indoor growroom which I helped put together in parts and learned a lot in the process. It was a nifty hydroponic system where she had about 10 Northern Lights growing and a smallish closet for a budding room. After her first harvest this idea really took hold in me and my buddy, not an indoor setup, but rather a pseudo-guerilla grow (500 acres across the street from me in my hometown). I spent time looking into it this past summer, finding a spot, etc and plan to carry it out this coming summer. My college gets out in May but subsequently returns the end of August. Due to this being my personal “growing season” I had to find a strain to grow to fulfill these time constraints. Obviously most sativas were eliminated because of their late harvest and higher difficulty for a first time grower. I looked and finally deciding I didn’t want to have to worry about force flowering outdoors if it came down to it (weather, personal mistakes, etc) so I decided an autoflower would be my best bet. Small, discreet, rugged, flowers almost imeddiatly giving me time for curing etc made this my choice. I was considering some of the early budding indicas (AK-48) but I didn’t want to compromise my potential yield because I had to move back out to college coon.

The following is my plans for my 2010 outdoor grow. Any and all critique, criticism, comments, questions are welcomed, after all that is why I’m posting.


·10 Auto-AK47 (http://www.drchronic.com/products.asp?recnumber=1477)
·10 Auto-Blueberry (http://www.drchronic.com/products.asp?recnumber=1968)
These plants should be ready to harvest ~10 weeks after germination. So starting on May 20th (my goal), giving a week (generous) for germination/transplant I should hypothetically be harvesting around the first or two of August giving me time to harvest, cure and make hash out of skuff.
I will be doing this with my best friend of a decade and a knowledgeable stoner in his own right so it will not be a one man op.

I plan on germinating all twenty seeds with the mindset that
·3 won’t germinate properly
·3 will die after/during indoor transplant
·7 will be males/herm
This will leave me with, hypothetically, seven females on my hands to take care of which I feel could yield, if properly cared for, an ounce a piece (please correct me if I’m wrong as I am not totally familiar with auto’s yielding statistics)


I’ll be using the time tested paper damp paper towel sandwich as I have seen the most promising results from this method via my dealer’s grow op.
Germination Medium: HydroFarm Hot House (34.95 locally) http://www.hydrofarm.com/pb_detail.php?itemid=1899

Soil and Nutrients:

For soil I will use Fox Farm’s Ocean Forest ($[FONT=&quot]18.95)[/FONT] supplemented with Fox Farm’s Peace of Mind through the whole process. Despite it being an outdoor grow they WILL remain in the pots for the duration of the grow as to negate the numerous variables of local soil (toxicity, low nuts, rocks etc). For nutrients I will use Big Bloom ([FONT=&quot]$13.50) [/FONT]throughout the grow. In addition I will utilize Grow Big ([FONT=&quot]$17.95)[/FONT] for the vegetative and Tiger Bloom [FONT=&quot]([/FONT][FONT=&quot]$17.95) [/FONT]for the flowering.

Vegetative and Budding Medium:

I plan to keep the plants in their pots through the grow for the aforementioned reasons and because they *should* stay small enough that the root system won’t need bigger than a 3 gallon bucket ($4.95*7)
I’m getting some pH Up and Down ($9.99 each) from the local hydroponics shop but I am having issues finding a reliable (accurate) pH meter that won’t break the bank. The best I can find currently is the Rapitest pH Meter for around $15 but I have heard less than favorable reviews on its accuracy. From that point the meters I find on the internet rapidly jump to the $100+ range. If anyone has a link to something like I’m looking for then +rep for you.

Plot Safety Measures:

·Fishing line for the inevitable deer infestation
·Coyote urine for deer ($7.99)
·Neem Oil ($9.99)


10 Auto AK47 ($60.00)
10 Auto Blueberry ($70.00)
HydroFarm Hot House (34.95)
3 gallon bucket ($4.95*7) $38
Ocean Forest ($[FONT=&quot]18.95*3)[/FONT] $57
1 cu ft = 7.5 gallons
3 Gal*7 Buckets = 21 Gallons
Ocean Forest = 1.5 cu ft
7.5 Gal(1 cu ft) * 3 bags of 1.5cu ft = 22.5 Gallons
Big Bloom ([FONT=&quot]$13.50) [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Tiger Bloom ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]$17.95) [/FONT]
Grow Big ([FONT=&quot]$17.95) [/FONT]
pH Up and Down ($9.99*2)
Neem Oil ($9.99)
Coyote urine ($7.99)
pH Meter ($50)
~$370 total


Any and all comments are welcomed! Help me with my first grow!

A man with a plan, congrats. Your plan is well thought out and good attention to detail. Since you have plenty of time to gather all of your ingredients I would like to offer a cost saver if you want to save a little. First, your pots, take some time if you have it and visit a local nursery and ask about some of their used pots. I have been lucky and usually get pots for free when they step up plants. They may not be as shiny but they hold dirt just the same.
Your PH meter, since you are in college I bet you can get some ph strips from the biology department for free. You must know someone taking biology or is an assistant to a prof, might be worth a look see.
I wish you the best with your grow, I hope that you have as many enjoyable years growing this fine plant as I have had so far.
Good Luckbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Awesome shit dude. You wont find a digi ph for less than 100$. I havn't.

And I beleive with the auto aks you could get an oz per plant. I dont know about the blues. I think you could get even more off the ak's.


Active Member
I couldn't stop laughing at the title of this thread.

Everything looks good, although I admit I didn't read through the whole thing bongsmilie

Good luck to ya


Awesome shit dude. You wont find a digi ph for less than 100$. I havn't.

And I beleive with the auto aks you could get an oz per plant. I dont know about the blues. I think you could get even more off the ak's.
Blah. That's what I was afraid to hear. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and splurge. It'll pay dividends in future harvests.

I couldn't stop laughing at the title of this thread.

Everything looks good, although I admit I didn't read through the whole thing bongsmilie

Good luck to ya
Lol. No worries. I wasn't expecting everyone to take the time. I appreciate you stopping in though!:blsmoke: