a little help please


Active Member
7C491CEA-E146-41E4-A7DB-15A766A57909.jpeg F4199C24-06EB-442A-8F8F-29B4B3846C3B.jpeg 2163FFE0-2911-4515-8527-19183D9410E4.jpeg AA4233CB-61C9-4D66-BCDC-B1E02CBE4E83.jpeg 401997C1-2DFE-436F-A95B-7FB9EBA59D4D.jpeg Need a little help here they look better not drooping anymore but there’s a few weird things going on watering every 4 days on the stalk there were these little white things sticking out I took them off but they looked weird I’ve never seen them before there not on the other plant AA4233CB-61C9-4D66-BCDC-B1E02CBE4E83.jpeg


Active Member
The white thing on top of the soil is from when I tied it down tried to take it out but somehow got attached to the roots the stalk of the plant I took that picture cuz there were these little skinny white things that were popping out of it I’ve never seen them but I pulled them out I assume it just part of the roots I just never seen them go up the stalk I’ve only seen them way at the bottom after I chop em