a little bit paranoid about my first grow, help with growbox setup needed..


New Member
Its my first grow ever and i would like to know if i am doing anything wrong, I am on a very low budget so i have very limited options for my plants, i am using a home made cardboard box with a cfl lamp over it.. i have no understanding for how to set up the vent sistem, where to make the holes, how to place the fans(planing to use pc fans), so a little of bit help would be great! Im planing to put the grow box in a big closet with sliding doors, so i want to know what options do i have considering i want the doors to be closed.. what do i need, to make shure that the plants are getting fresh air in and the heat to go out, what kind of setup would you recomend..Also can someone plese tell me what nutrients to use if i cant spend any money on fancy professional shit :).. I heard about milk mixed with water, but am not shure if its good for indoor use so help! Thank you for any help!


Well-Known Member
Milk? Lol.! Not saying it won't work, but that's a first for me..
if you on a budget just keep it simple. Get a bag of good soil then you won't have to worry about feeding, Ever! As for air flow a small comp fan will be all you need.


Well-Known Member
Dont add milk, ever, or ill cut you. Make one fan on top going out and one in the bottom going in....get it? Per plant all you need for a goodish harvest is two 150 watt equivilents over each plant. Get a Y splitter and an extender and stuff em all into a aluminum clip on light or run bare bulb. Dont worry about keeping the door open more than a crack for air unless temps are getting high. Crack a window and letter buck.


New Member
so what would be the best nutrients for the low budged that im on? what would feeding only water do to the plant? do you mean on the side of the bottom? and do you know if i can use two same pc fans, one to suck air in and one to blow it out? thank you!!


Well-Known Member
Why not just save up some money and actually do it right? You get what you put into it.
Right now you wont be getting much back.

Milk curdles and then stinks up your entire grow room.


Well-Known Member
Because you will be adding in 100 different things to learn....

Everything you learn will basically need to be unlearned for your next grow...

All the shit you are spending money on, will end up in a pile in the corner, just wasted money and time.

But ah well, some people are the kind who like to do things right, others are the kind who like to do as little as possible. I see which type you are. Have fun with your cardboard box.


Well-Known Member
A cardboard box is a fire hazard. Even though the cfls should be cool enough they do fail and will get very hot if they do. Build a better box or at least make sure there is some type of insulator between bulb and box.

You can buy jacks 20-20-20 for a cheap fertilizer option. I would buy a quality soil if you can and add a $6 bag of perlite.
Dolomite lime would be good to add but isn't sold in small quantities.

Althor is right that you won't use some items again if you upgrade your grow. I do think you will learn about the plant and gain a better understanding for what it really takes to grow a healthy plant. Just don't burn the house down in the process.