A few questions


What would happen if i put some plants outside, that are 3 weeks old..
It's just now hitting spring time, so its pretty much a 12/12 cycle. but in 3 or 4 weeks it will be at least 16/8.
So basically they would endure 12/12 light cycle for 3 or 4 weeks before summer and 18/6 cycle starts.
Would they show their sex during the 12/12 three weeks and then turn back to vegging?
Or would they keep flowering?
Or would they turn back to vegging with possibilites of turning into a hermie?
Thanks everyone.

Also, I have easy access to horse manure, is it okay to mix in with the soil?
I think i've read that manure is acidic, and that compost is better, and i see horse shit thats gotten so hot it's turned into compost, its very light looking and more yellow old grass looking.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand a 12/12 cycle will show sex in 1-2 weeks approx. if the light cycle changes from 12/12 to 18/6 it should revert to veg, but I was told it would take a long time, and cause "issues" I have a mother plant right now that was a clone I almost tossed but figured I would bloom it instead, then after 2 weeks re-veged it.. Problem I had was it stopped growing "normal" leaves, and started growing single leaves, its now been 3 weeks and normal growth has resumed.
Changing the light cycle from bloom to veg causes stress, --> Possible hermie also.

Just my .02 cents I am sure a Veteran Grower will pipe in to confirm or deny my info


Oh man don't worry about it, i appreciate anyones information!
Personal experience is the best which is what you have going on right now!
Eh, even with 2 - 3 weeks to resume veg, it will end up having more growing time outside than it would in.
I know anything can happen, but appreciate your info.
Hopefully mine will survive and do the same and not go hermie on me or something, or die -.-
I just hope they can survive the occasional cold night and rain before summer.
Im just sick of growing inside, i truly believe its almost impossible to hide it without a stealth box, but their so damn small anyway..

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Active Member
from my understanding..spring is 18/6 cycle..june 20th is the summer solstice..which swiches plants into flowering thru oct!i think u have it backwards!correct me if im wrong!