A few questions re maturing......


Active Member
This is our first indoor grow (outdoor we always had to rush the cut because of NW rain...mold...) So we're enjoying the process. I've got the microscope and magnifying glass, watching the ambers, doing the research. My question - One person here says wait till the bulbs fall over (I'm not entirely sure what she means). Another person says wait till the bulbs split and bend (again never read anything remotely close to that). Does this make any sense at all to anyone here? Also - person # 2 will come in and take a peek behind the curtin when it's in the dark part of 12/12, letting in some light from the rest of the room (veggie section). Will this affect the plants? Seems if he knows so much about it all, he would know that he shouldn't do that. - unless ???? maybe it doesn't hurt anything at all.

Also - a couple of the plants have the white dusting on some leaves around the top buds, others don't, some have some degree of.. Is this a strain thing? How important is that white dusting.

Thanks for all the info - we're having a blast -

Mimi - (mimi's garden)


Well-Known Member
ok, ive enever heard anyhting about bulbs etc, u want around 50% ambers for an aight high and then pluck it
u need to post foto's about this white dusting it could me powdery mildew which is very bad
and yes peeking during the dark period WILL PRODUCE HERMIES - VERY FUCKING BAD please stop him asap and tell him off about it :)


Well-Known Member
I differ on the "peeking" causing problems....we regularly go into our grow room after hours, turn on a light and check on things. We've seen no evidence that we are inducing hermies. With all the stress that most put their plants through, why would a peek cause anything.

A 30x scope will show you your "guage" ......and allow you to harvest at optimum time. Take some at differing tric stage to determine which is your fav. I like the "up" of clear to cloudy for daily use, but cloudy to amber for nighttime kickback. Gave fun.