A Few Possible Valid Growing Questions


Well-Known Member
Any help with any of these questions is much appreciated and noted. 1st question is if it would be a good idea to add Dolomite lime to a good organic soil such as FFOF when transplanting to help buffer/prevent any future possible deficiencies? 2nd question. Looks like a couple of my plants need some cal-mag so would I be able to supplement my liquid neuts (FF Grow Big) with cal mag? Can I mix these two together to water my plants with? 3rd question. Wouldn't it be more feasible to sprinkle Dolomite Lime to potted top soil and water instead of watering with cal-mag due to Lime is good for calcium, magnesium and will help buffer/balance out the soil ph and cal mag has well just that...cal & mag with no ph buffer. I would think you would get more of a peace of mind with the lime that has three qualities opposed to two (cal mag). 4th question. Is feeding potted plants with a seaweed/kelp liquid extract during the vegetative stage of a plants life cycle beneficial to the plant? 5th question. in case of too much liquid neuts (ff grow big) during a feeding, is it safe to feed with neuts after a flush and 5 day dry out? Or is only watering with plain water best after a flush and 5 day dry out period? Thank you for your help in advance. : )