A dog in a growroom. Bad idea?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know? Should dogs be kept out of the growroom? Could they carry some dangerous pests on them?


Well-Known Member
So you don't mind smoking dog hair?
I have probably more hair than she does. I mean.. she sometimes just really gets lonely in the other room and really wants to be near. 90% of the time I tell her to go away because I've heard dogs can be a pest carrier.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
No way my guy. I love my dog he is my buddy but his ass stays out of the grow room. Not so much for broken branches or hair but powdery mildew, aphids,spider mites or whatever else he collects on his fur and tries to bring into the magic garden. Love our pets , but keep em out of the grow show.


Well-Known Member
Not a dog owner, but I would keep pets out of the grow room. As a dog owner you probably don't notice it, but hairs.. Hairs every where. Keep it neat.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
It depends on your situation and your dog. In general no, it's not necessarily a bad thing at all. I have a cat who lives roughly half his life in the grow room. We set up a bed for him, and give him food and water. He's 21 years old, and likes the heat from the lights.Plus, he really gets off on being around me when I'm working. He has no idea at all what I'm doing, of course, but what the heck - it's exciting to watch, and he wants to be a part of whatever it is, so yay team. Watch watch watch, purr purr purr.

He knows he's not supposed to eat any of the plants - I mean, he can't understand it at all, because why would anyone not want to eat plants? - but he's learned that for some silly reason he's not supposed to, and he follows the rules. Slips up once or twice a month because he just can't help himself, but for the most part he follows the house rules, and I can spare him a half a leaf every couple of weeks.

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
No way my guy. I love my dog he is my buddy but his ass stays out of the grow room. Not so much for broken branches or hair but powdery mildew, aphids,spider mites or whatever else he collects on his fur and tries to bring into the magic garden. Love our pets , but keep em out of the grow show.

Yes. I knew a stoner guy who said dogs were fine. BS. Spider mites for sure. I know how dogs want to be by you and it is sad. Watching spider mites or russet mites destroy your plants in the last few weeks of flower is sadder.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
my dog is like a kid to me goes every where ill even take him into a local hardware stores like lowes or thehomedepot never to eat lol just big place where there are not a lot of kids so on . hes not allowed in any plant rooms instead i built him a mini house he goes in there when i go in my area . dogs play role on the ground jump into bushes so on and so on this is were the bugs you dont want to have in your garden are . they are very small and will be brought into your room by your best friend . never bring a animal into the plant room unless you just gave him a bath and he will love looking at all your plants and watching you work with them.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Flying insects like flies ,crane flies ect land on plants infected with powdery mildew and will happily distribute spores via leg hairs all around your plants when they get inside. Watch for them too. It really is a micro world on all levels Lots of parasites are small enough to hitch a ride on flying insects . Spores? Yeah you know how that works lol