A compleated thank-you grow journal!


Active Member

Hey everyone, I decided to try my luck with a couple bag-seed plants that I found groing outside of my back door....(oops) I found so much good info all over the internet, but I liked this site the most. I never posted in the fourms, but trust me I've looked at almost everything! So I just wanted to say thank-you to all the people who give such good advice. Also thanks to all the people with grow journals that gave me insperation! So here is my THANK-YOU journal!

I had 2 little plants I found while mowing my back yark. Winter was quickly aproching

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so I took them inside and nursed them back to health.

The plant on the left will be Mary and the one on the right will be Carie.
By the time I got them inside Carie was already trying to flower she had little pistols coming out of her little center. I kept the lights on 24/7 for veg and used bio bizz nutes. This whole grow was done in my attic, in a box I made from plywood. this is my first grow so don't laugh to hard! This was also a stealth grow because, my wife didn't know and never found out.


Active Member
DSCF1149.JPGDSCF1172.jpgHa Ha yes, and I messed up the pictures so hopefully this one will be better.
DSCF1149.JPG This was my setup, Hydorfarm CFL fixture from a local hydro store to keep temps down (I wont grow in my attic again)


Active Member
I went on a trip for a week and was worried that 1 more week of veg would make them stretch to much for my box.(4 ft. Tall) So I changed the lights to 12/12, watered them really well,and hoped for the best. This is what they looked like when I came back. (before and after) Carie (on the right) also had a little suprise for me! So now I knew both were females!



Active Member
everything looks nice man, i have a question though- are you LSTing one plant and FIMing the other one?
Thanks johnni. Well I tried LSTing but broke the stem in the pace you would FIM so, Carie is FIMed but I didn't mean to.

Then a few weeks passed and Carie started developing more and more pistols while Mary just kept stretching. I also bought 1 more light because they were getting to big for just 1.



Active Member
A few weeks later both plants were floweing nicely and............ TRAGITY. I found that mary's top cola had grown into the light and been burnt!:o So I cut off the burnt part, moved the tallest part of the plant to the outside of the light, and moved one of the side lights to the top. One of the pictures is of the burnt top after cutting. The other is both plants



Active Member
So Mary was harvested. Total dry weight was 41.7 grams of some of the best bud I have ever smoked. I dont know much about judging the flavors but me and everyone else who smoked it thought it had a very fruity taste. it was very smooth and had super thick smoke. The smell was rediculous If you open one of the jars in the house it would stink the whole place up for an hour! I didn't tell anyone about growing it, so everyone who smoked some asked me if I could get them some! The high was very uppy even with all the amber trics, but you can't get anything done because your mind is going a million miles an hour. HA HA So, here are some harvest pictures.

