A Cannabis Salad Garden--indoor (first official crop)



Everyone went into bud on April 1

Two Romulan
Two Blueberry Kush
One Peach Sky (California Orange x Endless Sky)
Two random mystery seeds
One Northern Lamb (Northern Lights x Lambs Bread)


Two Lavenders who went into bud on April 15.


Some are in Happy Frog mixed with Ocean Farm and Perlite while others are mixed with Happy Frog and sand. (Sand is in my yard--I live in a desert.) Being new to this, I was doing all kinds of soil things before someone told me to use HF, OF, and Perlite. Hubby liked sand because he said it held the plant in the ground better. We are done with using any soil from outside. It was also full of gnats. Ewww.


We really goofed here. We used Foxfarm's Grow Big for veg, and then the newbies we are we used Big Bloom for budding! Big Bloom is (0.01-0.3-0.7) and that is all we used for budding until I read here I needed WAY more than that as far as NPK. I went to the store, and the grower there recommended I skip the Tiger Bloom all together which is (2-8-4) and recommended by Fox Farm. He said I should use the Beastie Bloomz which is (0-50-30). We listened to him and went home and gave ALL the ones in bud a shot of Beastie Bloomz and a little bit of Grow Big for some N since they hadn't been getting any N since going into bud. The Lavenders were in week three and the others were in week 5. I see now according to Fox Farm's nute chart (that I just found) that the Beastie Bloomz is not to be used so late. It was ok for the Lavender but not for the others that went in April 1. *sigh* Oh well. I need to get some money again and buy some Tiger Bloom. Also, we just did a compost tea with molasses for the first time yesterday.

Results so far:


pic of whole crop on 5-7-12

One of the mystery plants turned to flower on May 1. We killed it. Hopefully it didn't pollinate any of the other buds. I do think I see seed pods forming on some. :cuss: I will never plant a mystery seed again. So far the other mystery plant is doing well. Nice and chunky with no flowers. I check it daily.

(I went a little crazy removing some fan leaves from the plants a few days ago. I won't do that again. I felt they were shading the buds and other plants. I have one 1000 watt metal halide lamp and was vegging some plants under it too.)

The Romulans are quite different from each other. One is in a regular 4 gallon planter, and the other is in a 5 gallon bucket. I really pulled way too many leaves off of the one in the bucket. There is a huge difference in bud size and quality, but they are from two seeds and are not two clones. Not sure what the reason in the difference is. I pulled leaves off of the one in the planter too, but not as many.

Bad Romulan

Romulan Comparison (Good-left, Bad-right)

003.jpg 008.jpg011.jpg
Good Romulan

The Peach Sky is one of my faves. This baby is in less than optimal soil. She is also in a very heavy ceramic planter with only one drain hole. I will never use this planter again. It is just too heavy with not enough draining. Despite all this, she is doing well. Hubby thinks she is a six week strain, but I looked up Endless Sky and California Orange and both are eight week strains. Not sure why the guy he grew with said this is a six weeker. I guess I will have to get a magnifier to look at the trichomes to know for sure.

Peach Sky!!!!!
