A big upgrade- 400w Tent, DWC, LA Woman, NL, Pot of Gold (bagseed)


Active Member
Hello! This is an OPEN THREAD, post your heart out!
2x4x5 Grow Tent (Ebay)
400w HPS and Hortilux (Ebay)
Fox Farms Hydroponics Nute Trio
5 Gal Buckets covered in foil tape
6" netpot lids
400CFM inline fan
3 Dual output air pumps from Wal-Mart
3x 10" airstones and 3x 6" airstones - 1 of each per bucket
I was using Hygrozyme, although i stopped because it seems to be the thing that gave me the root rot!

Nirvana Northern Lights - 5 Feminized - Ordered from Attitude Seedbank
DNA LA Woman- 1 FREE Feminized- ""
Pot of Gold (Local plug hooked it up) - Bagseed

I Started them right before Halloween and switched them to 12/12 a week ago, and im the proud father of 3 GIRLS!!!!

These are pics of the seedlings and how i started them...

I actually put a little water and an airstone in a cup and allowed the roots to grow down into the water! It worked pretty well.....



Active Member
This is the pot of gold.... a lanky one, but im excited!

This is the NL or LA woman.... yes... I was high when i put them in the netpots and didnt label.... lol



Active Member
They look nice!
You should LST the big one to keep an even canopy so you lower your lights.
Can I still lst in flower? I thought I couldn't, but now I'm excited lol....
On a more depressing note, I have a major issue! Please can u guys take a look at my post and c if u can help! Link in 1 min