A Bad Case of "Spacing Out" Please HELP Us


Well-Known Member
A good friend has some nice Blueberry clones under T5 lights just out of the "clonenator" w some great roots. Looked great. I went back a couple days later after he called me freaking out after giving them the nutrients for the 1rst time w the Canna Aqua a & b, Rhizontonic & Cannazym. They are looking bad:cry:! Drooping bad. We finally deduced that he had given them part "a" twice. (2 times the amount he gave
"b") He had 3 seperate resevoirs going, got stoned and messed up. The one he used was a lot redder than the other 2. I told him to put them in ph balanced water and Rhizontonic only to get them back. This morning, looking better, we put them back under the resevoir w the right amt of nutrients. It has now been 12 hours since and they are droopig again.!??!! HELP PLEASE! :confused:



New Member
Well your help would have been flush with plain Ro water for couple days and get them back on track then put in 1/2 strength nutes. I mean if you cannot follow written directions even on bottles maybe this growing thing is not for you "two".


New Member
I mean tell your friend to "clean" up.. look at all the dirt, filth and the light leaks into that cloner or vegger.

Who knows what is growing, crawling, laying eggs or other nastiness in that reservoir

Growing is more about common sense, following directions and making sure you give the plants the best possible chance to survive.

I think "your friend" is killing his chances before he even starts.