911please help 7wk flowering leaves browning


Well-Known Member
I was thinking insects too. I'm sorry it's probably not overwatering. If you can ID the type of bug, you may find a way of treating them.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
You definitely have a spider mite infestation, but that is not what's causing your drooping leaves. Looks like over watering, let it dry out a little before you water again.

You should start looking up how to deal with spider mites asap!


Well-Known Member
Your gal got rape with bugs. Salvage what you can and smoke it. You tried and failed, but its not over. Try again. Read up and gain some more knowledge. Good luck bro.
Hey guys. Thanks for the replies. It's my first grow. It's out in sunlight too. It's a ATF clone and noticed spider mite bites when I got it. I've been treating it with habanero spray I make. It looked really healthy two days ago. Sad to say but I'm chopping her down. I know it's early guys. Any tips?