911 help! Serious problem


New Member
I took the MH light off them for a day but had 2 CFL's on them and came home yesterday and saw some sagging. I put the MH back in this morning but noticed some foaming on the res. Came home today and saw this disaster. Plant on the right was bad but the center and left was ok. PH levels were fucked! I changed out to 5 gallon buckets with plain water tonight and got the PH levels right but they look sick! Are these girls done or can I get them back? Please help!IMG-20130627-00445.jpgIMG-20130627-00446.jpgIMG-20130627-00445.jpgIMG-20130627-00446.jpg


Well-Known Member
try looking into beneficial bacteria aka how to breed microbes thread its good shit


New Member
It is imperative that you give them optimal care as they rebound , as well do not add any organics to your reservation as the foaming sounds like such .
As well they look a bit to big for compacts


Well-Known Member
That happened to me once before its a white foam right and its clinging to your airstones and making your roots slimy and a slime onto of the water? The best thing you can do is rinse your plants with a 0.5 % hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution by either getting some from your hydro store or a drug store like cvs or rite aid or even some grocery stores have it and its 3% hydrogen peroxide. The problem with the 3% stuff is it contains a chemical to suspend the H2O2 in the water that is not good for your plants for prolonged exposure but will do the trick. What you do is mix 5 parts water with 1 part H2O2. Fill up a bucket with this and dip your plants roots in there for about 20-30 seconds. Then rinse them off either with a hose or another bucket filled with just water. After you do this make sure you sterilize your original buckets before putting the cleaned plant in. While you fill up your buckets is the time to add the beneficial bacteria directly to the roots otherwise they begin to die off shortly after you mix up your nutrients and will not be as effective.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Another reason Why I only use soil... I've never experienced anything like this..
Been growing for 7 Years. I don't even check Ph!!

I am sorry though... Maybe Try Soil? Alot of people I know don't use Hydro just because they have to leave the house on a regular. (like Work)


Well-Known Member
Yea the trick is using beneficial bacteria from the seed or start to prevent this from happening. Soil is easier but you are increasing your chances to have pest problems and root rot. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages but the hydro allows you to grow the biggest buds possible because everything the plant needs is readily available and easy for the plant to take up. The problem is hydro is less forgiving with mistakes than soil. Be prepared for a 2-3 week battle ahead of you and you are probably going to lose all of your leaves. Thats what happened to me but the plants came back and were even better than before.


New Member
Probably slime... are the roots fucked? You don't give us much to go on; a picture of roots with HPS off would be nice. I would remove any dead/slimed roots while dunking in a bucket of regular mild bleach water and rinse down your bucket with bleach water and a rag. Add some dechlorinated water with Aquashield and about 250-300ppm of synthetic nutes at 5.8 ph. Keep water temp below 72* with ice bottles if you have to, make sure no light leaks; looks like you have black buckets.

I have been slimed more than once and this process has worked for me each time. New roots in 2 or 3 days after new res and always keep running Aquashield (or whatever bennies/sterilizers you like) in DWC for prevention. I have found my tap water kills the Aquashield if not dechlornitated.