600 watt small grow


Well-Known Member
so how many plants would you have under a 600 watt with 4 weeks of veg?
I would do 12. I might get a little crowded but those top colas and top buds are the ones you really care about anyway.

To be safe you can go with 6 and have sufficient room. It really all depends on what strain you have. Some grow tall and more slender and some are fat bushes.


Well-Known Member
so how many plants would you have under a 600 watt with 4 weeks of veg?
I am doing 14 right now in a 3x3 tray in a 4x4 tent and I have a decent amount of space. I was shooting for 12 so I started with 72 seedlings, kept the best 24 and flowered those out and weeded out the males.


Well-Known Member
what do you guess you will yeild per plant?
New strain so I don't know. I will have a better idea of the yield in a couple weeks. In the past I've gotten between 80-100g per plant depending on the strain.

Since I've switched to digital ballasts its been as much as 120g per plant. I am a firm believer in the digital ballasts now. I don't know why they work so much better. They just do.


Well-Known Member
dont soil grows yeild more then hydro?
Yes and no. My friends who grow soil yield a little more per plant but it takes so much longer to grow in soil than hydro.

You can do about 3 hydro grows in the same time you can do 2 soil grows. Overall you will get more yield off of hydro.

Some people say soil is better because it is more forgiving than hydro when it comes to fuckups with nutes, temp and ph but who cares about that. Just don't fuck up.

I've only grown hydro and have never had a problem get out of control and ruin a crop. As long as you can check on your garden once or twice a day you will be fine with hydro. You just have to stay on top of nutes, ph, and temps


Well-Known Member
damn thats the thing i want to go hydro but i cant check mine 2 times a day usualy like every 3 or 4 days, i guess ill be stickin to soil. how long veg to you recomend for soil, or coco?


Well-Known Member
damn thats the thing i want to go hydro but i cant check mine 2 times a day usualy like every 3 or 4 days, i guess ill be stickin to soil. how long veg to you recomend for soil, or coco?
Don't put hydro out of the equation so soon.

I have to leave mine for a week sometimes but thats the max. By then end of a week they will have used up most of the nutes and need the reservoir swapped out with new solution.

Its the fluctuations in temperature and ph that are going to screw you. As long as you can control your environment and you can check on them every few days you will be fine.

I just check them everyday because they are growing where I live so why not. I only tend to them once a week and that's to empty the res and refill it with fresh nutes.

Sometimes they need a 5 gallon topper towards the end of the week if they are drinking heavily but thats about as much maintenence as I do.

So really you can check them every few days as long as you have everything under control.

Are you not growing where you reside?


Well-Known Member
Its actually pretty fucking cool when you only check them every few days because there is always tons of growth and it makes the grow go by quicker. On the upside, checking them everyday is cool too. I love spending time with my plants


Well-Known Member
nope not were i stay. yeah i love skippin a few days and actualy see the growth. eye popping and mouth watering. ill try hydro soon but first i wanna master soil because i plan to travel alot this coming year and i can let my trusted friend watch over them, i dont think he will do so good with hydro lol. soil on the other hand like your said more forgiving lol.