6 days from breaking soil! Hows it doing ?


Well-Known Member
I have tried growing like 7 seedlings 1 at a time. But They look like they are growing good then they eventually grow to there first real set of leaves and stay tiny then yellow and die. But so far this one is looking good I hope this one will make it past it's first node... ;)




Active Member
I think seedlings, like babies, are much more fragile than older plants. I'm pretty sure I killed my first two attempts because I thought I could keep a cfl 2-3 inches away from them. Now, I wait for the second or third node before moving the lights closer.

The Martian

Active Member
Hello All.
Looks good, just try to make sure you don't overwater!!!!!! I'll bet thats where you've failed in the past, its easily done, its probably the main cause of dead seedlings.
Try to get a feel for the weight of the pot, and how much moisture is in it. Even by this early stage it could have 1 1/2 to two inch of root, (albeit a very young single fragile one), so don't get too worried that the surface is dryish, as long as there is some moisture lower in the pot, try misting the surface just to keep an amount of moisture in there, then every few days give it a good drink and then let it dry out slightly for a day or two.
To be honest you'd be better starting in a smaller pot, you woudn't have to try to judge the moisture level through so much soil depth, at such a crucial time, easier to judge by weight too in a smaller pot.
Too much water, not enough oxygen, plants die, Roots rot.
Too much oxygen, not enough water, plants die, Roots dry up.
And the roots are the basis for a healthy plant for sure.
Don't forget roots need way more oxygen than most would imagine. (just have a pop over and have a look at a couple of hydro/aero systems, or Deep Water Culture in particular, roots can be maintained actually submerged in the nute solution, BUT only if airated/oxygenated sufficiently).

Just a thought me old butty.

Toodle Ooo


Well-Known Member
OK, It's day 8 from breaking the soil.


How's it looking ?


Also on the edges of the leaf tips it's turning a little purple / black. Could it just be because of the strain ?


Well-Known Member
Well I let it get about an inch tap root before i planted it but I'd say about 10 days total.

Is it looking really small for 8 days from breaking the soil ?




Well-Known Member
IM am at the same stage as u with my lil babiez...i think they look fine...just dont overwater...soil usually stays moist for 2-3 dayz!!!good luck and keep the pics cummin!!!