5 CFL, All Organic, Soil, Perpteual Grow


Well-Known Member
ya id say around 8-10 is the normal but if you can go get a little 30x illuminated pocket Microscope, They are like 20 at radio shack(maybe wal-mart too?) and they're like 5 dollars online (just google 30x pocket microscope) then just wait until you start seein alot of amber crystals. Then you can even harvest half or so first, most of the time some nugs will finish early and others will need a little more time. But so far the beauts are lookin good, they thickened up a little since the last pics, but ya the most important part of growing is the light, you can never have to much.


Active Member
Cool. I moved the lights around today. One LED bulb red, next to two warm CFLS, then down where the seedlings are, one blue LED light bulb andn one warm cfl. As soon as my new y connector gets here I will add another set of lights.


Active Member
Ok here are the new pics.

The second crop has finally sprouted. Looks like there will be 4 total so far.

I put the mylar on the door and in one day you can see a huge difference. While white paint reflects fine, white paint on a cheaply made door does not.

I wish these buds would swell up. I got some plant food sticks today, once I figure how much I need I will feed them full.

+rep for good advice guys.



Well-Known Member
Ok here are the new pics.

The second crop has finally sprouted. Looks like there will be 4 total so far.

I put the mylar on the door and in one day you can see a huge difference. While white paint reflects fine, white paint on a cheaply made door does not.

I wish these buds would swell up. I got some plant food sticks today, once I figure how much I need I will feed them full.

+rep for good advice guys.
Very nice grow soo far.
Yah I see how much that mylar helpd.
Im turned in!:weed:


Active Member
Very nice grow soo far.
Yah I see how much that mylar helpd.
Im turned in!:weed:
I just wish I could get those buds fatter. I can't add more light because in their stage of life light would be diminishing. ugh. I gave them some plant food sticks today, lets see if that helps.

Oh, and thanks for the kind words and rep. I rep'd you back brother. Got to spread the love.


Active Member
Here is what seems like a stupid question so rep to whoever answers without making fun of me. lol.

Do the roots of the plant only grow at night?


Well-Known Member
That's actually a very good question. I think there growing 24/7 though. Not 100% positive on that but pretty damn sure. My bubble cloner runs on 24/7 so I know they grow during lights on but the roots themselves in in the dark.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Root growth is promoted more in dark cycles, but does still grow some during light. Reason being is during light t imes, plant is geared more towards photosynthesis and upward growth... This is why alot of people swear by 18/6 for veg time light cycles. Good balance between upward growth and root development.


Active Member
Ok so with only a few more weeks left I thought i was going to be lucky and avoid one of my plants getting sick. then today, this:

Picture 32.jpgPicture 36.jpgPicture 34.jpgPicture 35.jpgPicture 33.jpg

So I turn to you sages of weed wisdom, please help figure out what is wrong and how to cure it so they can go on for 2 more weeks.