5 Blue crimea fem and 1 Lemon Skunk fem


Active Member
I received my beans from attitude 12 days ago. I began germinating that night. Within 18 hrs 3 had popped. another 24 hrs and germ was 100%.


2 yrs ago my nephew worked for the local electric co trim crew. He brought me 3 huge loads of fresh mulch. I have been turning and adding to it since. Before the seeds arrived i baked numerous batches in preparation. Mainly due to millipedes. They are now mulch as well. :mrgreen: I also added some mg moisture control and bonemeal. 3 of the crimea are doing VERY well. 1 lost it's first set of baby fans but the second set is coming in nicely. The last crimea is stricken with what i call "retarded leaf syndrome". I've had this before and it seems to work itself out by the 3rd or 4th leaf set. The lemon skunk is also doing very well. So as i said, this is day 12. I am posting pics of progress up to this point. Any and all comments are welcome. I appreciate feedback from the stoner community. Here are some pics.

Pic 1 is the lemon skunk. Pic 2 is crimea and so on.


Active Member
Well, 15 days in and i think i may be having an issue with 1 of the crimeas. The top set of leaves are yellowing and drying. I am trying to decide if it is a heat issue or a nutrient overload. I will post up a few pics after while. First i have to clip some fencing to get my camo done. It has been very hot here for the last few days. Well, humid anyhow. I have been through the plant problem area but i will also be hoping for a bit of advice before commiting to a solution. All once i have posted the pics of course. Thanks ahead of time. Lets all hold hands and pray to headula i can get it fixed!


Active Member
One of the Crimea didn't make it. Luckily it was the one i was having the issue with. Picture an accident right in front of your house accompanied by 13 bored cops. A sheer panic ensued. All were pulled and replanted but 1. All are doing very well though. 5 will have to work. I also changed the watering schedule to every third day with 4 liters split between the 5 plants. More pics later.


Active Member
I think i may be having a nitrogen deficiency going on. I am going to read a bit more in the problem section before commiting to action. Sorry no pics lately. Moved them to a harder to get to area. I willl snap a few tomorrow during the check.


Well-Known Member
i paying attention here man ... ya think your soil is a bit too hot for them?
i had a few seeds that were quick out of the gate and they were literally dying. I thought it was ph. Which it could be in your case, or the soil was too hot. But after some focus and tlc they turned into monsters..
btw. I think crimea blue is very sensitive to nutes ... It seems like all of mine don't exactly burn. But i get major leaf curl when i over fert them.n


Active Member
Thanks for the heads up. I think i am going to flush the soil for the next few days. It's hot enough here lately to not worry much about overwatering for a few days anyhow. One of them is staying very small but nice and green. I also found a spot in tulsa that sales Fox farm products. A little tiger bloom for later and ocean something soil will help as well. I will get some pics soon. Just been so damn busy. I really need to be more prepared next year.


Well-Known Member
i'm guessing you mean ocean forest soil :D yeah definately looks like a nitrogen def. to me, flush the soil and they should recover fine


Active Member
Thanks for the chime in majek. Yeah, i forgot the name of that stuff. I was too lazy to look it up. And i think your right with your diagnosis. I will do the flush starting tonight. I forgot to mention that i added a little blood meal to help make up the nitrogen a few days ago. I need to get before and after pics for comparison. I gotta keep myself on the learning curve.


Active Member
I beleive the flushing and the nitrogen from the bone meal did the trick. New foilage has no signs of yellowing or holes. Overall just plain healthier looking. 3 are pretty vigorous but 2 seem to have been stunted. I'm sure they will be fine in the end. I don't think the decrease of direct sunlight in the afternoon hurt either considering current weather conditions. I want to post more pics but am constantly having trouble uploading them. I will work on it when network congestion is down. My garden location is working out pretty well for now. At the same time I know it may have to be relocated when they start to reach 2 ft. Hopefully they stay relatively short as their description says.


Active Member
I'm here in Tulsa right now. Just got my foxfarm ocean Forrest and tiger bloom. Cantwait to get home and start the transplant to 5 gallon buckets. I'm excited to see the difference the ocean Forrest will make. Will get pics during the process.


Active Member
All have been moved off location. Glad to have that worry a distance away. Got gps location so i can always take different routes and still find it. Pissed the ground up real good for deer. Tried uploading pics but it still errors out. Even tried much lower quality.


Well-Known Member
if your uploading pics from your computer ... try resizing the image. make the pixels 600x800 or vice versa. can't wait to see something!


Active Member
I will set up the camera for that resolution and take fresh pics tomorrow. I have been bummed not to show them off. When i transplanted into the 5 gallon buckets, i could not believe the depth at which the roots had gone. But everything went very well. I need to get 1 more bag of the ocean forest soil. Since the tiger bloom will not be needed till august, i took some over to my dads house to experiment on his garden. We fed a couple tomato, cucumber and zucchini plants to compare against the rest in a couple months. We will be feeding them once a week. I am really hoping to see a noticeable difference. But back to mine. Whatever deficiencies i was having has now been corrected with the ff soil. I think the blood meal i used first helped it along as well. Ataxia-I view your journal and smoke report often to keep me on track. If you were close enough i'd save the first doob for ya. These plants are very strong. They have been through a good bit and still keep growing. They are very forgiving of mistakes. The grasshopper is'nt. I'm gonna get that thing yet.


Active Member
I have plenty of pics but uploading still a bitch. I have 4 Total plants at this time. All 4 are growing vigorously. Side branching is looking very nice. 1 of the Crimeas have noticeable calysts. Just waiting for the swelling and hair now. I imagine that will be around 3 more weeks. We are still at 14 hrs or so of light a day. I am so anxious to begin using the Foxfarm Tiger Bloom. When i transplanted into the ocean forest soil I was expecting more stunting. I don't think they ever missed a beat. I'm glad i put them all in buckets this year because i have been moving them often. Certain events have occured lately that made it nessecary. The smallest one fell over some time last night and i didnt notice it till today. Looks like a hockey stick, lol. 1 good day of sun and it will stand straight again. After thinking about it i think ill pack the buckets to the very top with some more soil and lid them(holes cut plenty large for stem growth of course)Then put them on their sides. A kind of lst that requires less tieing. The handle of the bucket could be useful for helping to hold it down to a certain point as well. I would love some feedback on that idea if anyone has experience or ideas. Hell, even speculation and suggestions are appreciated. I swear now that i DO have some time freeing up i will try the uploads tuesday while i'm in Tulsa. They upload great from the iphone to picasa and photobucket when I am in 3G coverage. So in summary, 3 Blue crimeas and 1 Lemon skunk still thriving under the sun.


Active Member
Alright, i got some uploaded to picasa today. Problem is, they are a week and a half old. I got in a hurry to get out the door this morning and forgot to snap a few more. I will post them up later on tonight. Got a B-Day party to deal with first. Strange how i can upload pics from the iphone in 3G coverage but cannot get them going on my home broadband connection. I hate my provider! Also picked up some AzaMax in town today for a grasshopper and beginning spider mite issue. After reading heavily i think foliar for me is the way to go. Have the rest tonight.


Active Member
Been a while since i have been here. All 4 plants have entered flower. Started feeding with tiger bloom friday. Started the 8 week countdown for the 3 CB's. A bit longer I imagine for the lemon skunk.