5 Barney's Farm LSD +4 Bagseed


Well-Known Member
im using a 600w hps...temps at plant tops is mid 70's im plannin on re-potting end of this week and starting nutes about a week after that ill be goin wit Earth Juice some castings and guano
any input helps so feel free



Well-Known Member
nice i wanna see how that lsd turns out that strain sounds bomb ill watch if you keep adding pics onto it man


Well-Known Member
ima take a couple more pics in the mornin when i turn the lights on....im repotting tomorrow goin wit regular topsoil mixed with perlite at about 2-1 soil to perlite....no nutes yet


Well-Known Member
transplanted to their final homes yesterday and all went well...not much else to report just sick back and wait now hopefully the growth rate picks up almost two weeks now still no branches i got a couple pics any1 else think these girls are growin a bit slowly? let me know what u think



Well-Known Member
I am curious about the lsd, myslelf. Maybe build the soil up around the stem's and move the light closer. But thats your call. I'll be watching, good luck, happy growing.


Well-Known Member
well i got drunk as fuck tuesday and left the lights on for like 24 hours.... so i gave them a couple hours rest and tried to back to normal schedule by givin them 16 on and bang back to normal...one is showin some effects i think leaves didnt curl but she is pointing her leaves up at 45 degrees to the main stem.... hopefully after a good nights sleep she should be ok...i have a little bit of yellowin on one of them(she happens to be my biggest so far) any1 got ideas?



Well-Known Member
the lsd seem to be growin quick now as for the bag seed i planted not so much...one is growin but looks like shit...another sprouted and has since done nothing o well wasnt expected much there....i think ima start nutes in a weekish unless they dont look hungry...the little one in the solo cup is a week older then the rest lol



Well-Known Member
so i got some earth juice grow yesterday and since i needed to water i decided to start feedin...went with half strength....they seem to have like it good growth since yesterday after noon...cant wait to see what today has in store....btw idk if any of u have used 77hydro.com before but i stopped in their store yesterday lots of shit checkem out


Well-Known Member
so since my timer broke ive been manually turnin on the lights...well slept in late this morning so the girls got some extra sleep to...o well i dont think 2 hours will hurt...all the plants have regained a nice color since feeding...even the one bagseed plant which was all fucked up at first looks like she turned the corner...ive decided to pull one plant and put it outside to continue veg growth when i start to flower the others...in about a week or 2.... ill have some pics tomorrow probably need batteries


Well-Known Member
hey i need some help guys idk whats goin on ...big problems we are four weeks from sprout everythin was goin nice but now this....maybe its a ph issue? throw any ideas u have at me please


Well-Known Member
well i flushed wit ph'd water and they are lookin a bit better...ima lay off the nutes for a week see how they do


Well-Known Member
yea attitude was great...yea they look to be recovering now maybe a bit of cal mag would help to ima make a trip to the grow shop tomorrow


Well-Known Member
so despite my best efforts and alot of riu suggestions no improvement...in a last ditch effort i repotted...roots looked very healthy...they had formed mats on the bottom and were starting to really cover the sides...growth had basically stopped so hopefully this work if not idk what else to do and ill prolly just let them bud and hope for the best...i started my next prject like 2 weeks ago so im not as concerned....hedgin my bets