4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck


Well-Known Member
Ok, now I see what you are talking about...I just youtubed it, lol


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Hey cd, do you bother topping any of your plants ? or do you just grow em' naturally ?
yes, i always top or "fim", thats what happened to this wild ass plat. those are the 4 shoots climbing the walls. the little plant ended up with 4 nice tops also.

its week 12 now, 8 weeks of flowering.



Well-Known Member
cd, do you think it's harder to get the cfl lights close to the plant when you have shoots shooting up on the sides and in the middle ? Wouldn't it be easier to put the light on a canopy that was more even ??

Or do you think you end up with more bud this way ? rather than letting it go naturally or keeping an even canopy ?

thanks, SC

Oh Yeah, I forgot - How much do you usually yield per grow in that stylin' cardboard grow box ?

EDIT: with your two plant cardboard bow grows you really got me thinking that I should grow two at a time in that Home Depot cabinet I was looking at. I was going to go 1 plant but now I am kinda leaning toward 2.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
looking good cd
looks like u haven't changed at all.
still growing bomb in a box
keep it up.
hey tito, whats up man. yep same ole box, i'll stop by and check out your grow in a bit. take care man.

cd, do you think it's harder to get the cfl lights close to the plant when you have shoots shooting up on the sides and in the middle ? Wouldn't it be easier to put the light on a canopy that was more even ??

Or do you think you end up with more bud this way ? rather than letting it go naturally or keeping an even canopy ?

thanks, SC

Oh Yeah, I forgot - How much do you usually yield per grow in that stylin' cardboard grow box ?

EDIT: with your two plant cardboard bow grows you really got me thinking that I should grow two at a time in that Home Depot cabinet I was looking at. I was going to go 1 plant but now I am kinda leaning toward 2.
yes, this ones a real pain in the ass, i never expected this wild ass thing growing all up the sides like this. if im correct, the leaves absorb the light, not the buds so i try to keep the lights in the middle. i have got as much as a half pound off 2 plants in this box and i think one of the other grows was almost that. they where the maple syrup, lsd, rock lock and kandy kush. those 4 have been the best in both amount and stoneness, LoL. yeah i think 2 plants for sure if you open that cabinet up, should work great.

here we are at week 13, thats 9 weeks of flowering so far. the smaller plant is getting real close chop time, another week maybe? not sure about the weed, i think its stopped growin but it looks like it will be a while before any big buds form, LoL.




Well-Known Member
DAM CD how long r u willing to wait for that girl to finsh
looks like its still has a long way to go I love sativa highs
but cant deal with the long flowering time.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
CD! Boxing it up as usual! Great to see ya around!!
thanks bro, i just love this box, i cant get rid of it, LoL.

DAM CD how long r u willing to wait for that girl to finsh
looks like its still has a long way to go I love sativa highs
but cant deal with the long flowering time.
well from the looks of it, its still gonna be a while. the little one shouldnt be to much longer, starting to see an amber trich here and there. from what i found online, the big weed is the big bud #2. saw some pics and the buds look the same. so now i have no idea what the little one is.

its been 14 weeks today, im hoping it will be soon on that little plant cause im almost out of this crap shake from the other grows that ive been smoking, lol. its a good thing i didnt go any longer on vegging, the weed would have been growing through the top of the box. in the one pic you can see where i topped it and got 4 main stems.




Well-Known Member
Wow, that thing is gettin' tall...Has it at least stopped growing vertically ? If that sativa fills out you could have 4 HUGE colas loaded with bud....Man, I wonder how much you could yield off that monster if it fills out....

CD, Have you ever thought putting fluorescent tubes in the corners or something ? Or do you get enough from your grows that it doesn't matter ??

hey if you could I have a poll for my cabinet...if you get a chance would like your vote, thnx SC


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Wow, that thing is gettin' tall...Has it at least stopped growing vertically ? If that sativa fills out you could have 4 HUGE colas loaded with bud....Man, I wonder how much you could yield off that monster if it fills out....

CD, Have you ever thought putting fluorescent tubes in the corners or something ? Or do you get enough from your grows that it doesn't matter ??

hey if you could I have a poll for my cabinet...if you get a chance would like your vote, thnx SC

yes, the growing has stopped, just needs to fill in now. and if it does fill in right, theres gonna be a shit load of bud, LoL. i use two 2 foot tubes in the front corners, you can see them in the pics. not sure if it helps, but it cant hurt, LoL. i saw the poll, going there now, im rootin for the cherry wood cab.

Damn that thing is crazy! And 14 weeks of flower?!
thats only 10 weeks of flowering and 4 weeks of veg. the way that one plant is going though, it'll be another 10 weeks before its done, LoL.


Well-Known Member
damn CD, How did I never see those t5 bulbs in your pictures ? LOL.....

How is the heat from those things ? Do you know if they significantly increase the heat of your cardboard box ?

What happens if a plant touches a bulb ? Does it get burned ?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
the heats the same as the cfl bulbs, hot to the touch and it will burn the tips of the leaves. it didnt really change the temps much, with the a/c on in the house the box stays at about 86. if its cool out with the windows open, it goes down into the 70's. i think there worth it for the side lighting though.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
we are now at week 15, 4 weeks veg and 11 weeks of flowering. i dont know what the smaller plant is but it sure packs a punch. i cut a couple small popcorn buds off just to give a try. dried them over night and then in to the bowl, WoW!! i got a nice stoney buzz. just laid on my bed and watched tv, it was so much better than the shake in a jar i have been smoking. should be some really nice smoke when its done, cut and cured. the wild ass weed is starting to fill in nicely, theres gonna be a shit load of bud off this thing, just dont know when, LoL. seeds are ordered for the next grow, purple kush auto. this is suppose to be some killer smoke. im gonna try some new soil this time also as the jungle growth is no longer at lowes. i will use lambert potting mix, looks like it has some good shit in it. has anyone used this yet?



Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, ive been cutting off little buds here and there, i need to stop before i get to the big ones or its all gonna be gone, LoL. the tall one is filling in real nice, i hope its good??? i would have pocs of the buds but i lost my main dell computer the other night, everything, pics, passwords everything!! luckily, i have a backup dell computer so i need to load my camera program back on it tomorrow, this really sucks.